This is going to be awesome.
Philadelphia, PA – October 8, 2008) Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the nation’s most popular hockey mom, will join the winner of the Philadelphia Flyers regional search for the “Ultimate Hockey Mom” contest and drop the puck at the ceremonial opening face-off as the home team Flyers host the New York Rangers at the Wachovia Center on Saturday, October 11 at 7 p.m. – -via eschton
Philly fans, do your stuff!
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, Governor Sarah Palin.
Crowd: SUCKS!
I used to like Ed Snider…..
I was at the 1st pre-season game (9/22) when Palin was still a newbie (unless you were an obsessed blog reader). The Flyers were running a “Best Hockey Mom” contest. I immediately became nauseated as I realized what inspired this…..
Since it’s the Rangers we are playing the crowd will already be yelling SUCKS almost constantly….
Anyone have tickets to the game? We could help them make signs to appear on TV.
I am sooo ready for this – making my own PUCK PALIN orange T-shirt and resting the vocal cords!!
Awesome Todd. Give her hell.