Friedman hits it out of the park
And please also don’t tell me she is an “energy expert.” She is an energy expert exactly the same way the king of Saudi Arabia is an energy expert — by accident of residence. Palin happens to be governor of the Saudi Arabia of America — Alaska — and the only energy expertise she has is the same as the king of Saudi Arabia’s. It’s about how the windfall profits from the oil in their respective kingdoms should be divided between the oil companies and the people.
At least the king of Saudi Arabia, in advocating “drill baby drill,” is serving his country’s interests — by prolonging America’s dependence on oil. My problem with Palin is that she is also serving his country’s interests — by prolonging America’s dependence on oil. That’s not patriotic. Patriotic is offering a plan to build our economy — not by tax cuts or punching more holes in the ground, but by empowering more Americans to work in productive and innovative jobs. If Palin has that kind of a plan, I haven’t heard it.
POW! and not the kind that won’t release his Service Records!
Sidebar, your honor. A windfall is when you profit from something you had nothing to do with – which is the exact opposite of investing in oil exploration, investing in drilling and refining equipment, paying people to get the oil out of the ground and turn it into usable product, and shipping it to your customers. The people of Alaska got more of a windfall than Exxon-Mobil ever did!
What a shame you’re not reading and linking to Milton Friedman instead.
I can’t believe this guy thinks it’s NOT in our best interest to drill in our own country.
I don’t have to read Friedman Bob. I’m living it right now. What won him a Nobel Prize has just about ruined this country and what a corporation used to be.
I can’t believe you think it is in our interest. You seem like a smart enough person to grasp the concept of supply/demand and how it would correlate to pricing…
but I guess I’m wrong.
I’m not saying drilling is THE answer, only that it should be done in conjunction with other alternatives. If we have a resource why should congress be stonewalling efforts to tap it.
If we could get the price of excavating and extracting petroleum from oil shale to a less prohibitive level that would open up a large domestic resource as well.
A windfall is when you profit from something you had nothing to do with
Let’s see… oil price has tripled because of Bush’s war, and because of three decades of organized resistance to alternative energy.
The oil companies had nothing do wit… oh wait, maybe you have a point.
I’m not saying drilling is THE answer, only that it should be done in conjunction with other alternatives. If we have a resource why should congress be stonewalling efforts to tap it.
with all due respect man, it’s not just pumping oil out of the ground, we need to be able to refine it. Our refineries are already maxed out.
Also, you are assuming our government is going to tell EXXON, oh, hey, that’s our oil,you have to sell it to us.
Also, oil is not like CocaCola; it is a strategic resource. Strategic because we need it to power our economy and our military. But it is not only the oil itself that is strategic, but the oil price as well. Unlike CocaCola, if oil is priced too high it weakens our economy, and strengthens our oil-exporting adversaries. If too much our our national treasure is going toward purchasing oil, we have every reason and right to tax it so those resources can be used for higher national priorities.
We don’t just need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, we need to reduce our dependence on oil, period. Drill, baby, drill does nothing to change that and probably hurts because there is not enough oil domestically to meet our needs. We have to move on to the post-oil world. IMO, it’s the only way to revive our American manufacturing base.
The people of Alaska got more of a windfall than Exxon-Mobil ever did!
And as long as the American taxpayer is a river of subsidies to oil companies, Exxon Mobil sure did get a windfall.
I’m drilling for Coca-Cola in my backyard.
Heck LG, it’s a better profit margin than oil.
True that, JC. And it’s good with rum. Ever have a Captain n Crude? They suck.
LOL–and see that..already alternative uses