Sign of the Times

Filed in National by on October 8, 2008

Just got this email from a college buddy:

As expected, I’m out of a job.

Looking forward to being off really. Figure out what I want to do now. Fix up the house. Spend time with (baby’s name withheld) and the new little one on the way.

Ah who am I kidding, I’ll just be playing online poker all day!

By the way, if you’re invested in any big Pharma stocks, you may want to shift some funds out.

Fucking George Bush. He is every bit the peice of shit bastard everyone (except Mike Castle) knew he was going to be.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (20)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah. I have a neighbor that got laid off yesterday from Chase. Good luck everyone.

  2. pandora says:

    I’m sorry, Jason and LG. These are scary times.

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    Jason-Geez, thanks for the tip–I’m calling pops now-hope your friend is immune from inside trading violations, since he’s been downsized. Now that’s a new regulation the American people should be entitled to and can live with!! Any help we can get!!

  4. Gelatinous Monk says:

    I have a “friend”…..

    My “neighbor”…..

    I “heard”…..

    My “college buddy”…..

  5. Disbelief says:

    Won’t McDowell give us all jobs with his Delmarva Power funds?

  6. Tom S. says:

    Don’t worry about it dawg, green energy is going to create 5 million new jobs.

  7. feces throwing monkey says:

    Gelatinous Monk’s name should be “Asswipe”

  8. Gelatinous Monk says:

    HAhah…..1:45 into the work day and I already got an “asswipe” flung by DV!!!

  9. Duffy says:

    Keep your chin up DV. You’ll find something new, I did.

  10. RSmitty says:

    If DV already had another one on the way, his wife is either nucking futs or he’s got another woman on the side. Considering he’s DV, he couldn’t possibly have another woman.

    This isn’t about DV (or Donny Squishy).

    Job loss sucks at any time, but in this current environment, it hurts a hell of a lot more. Hopefully your bud can get by, but by judging the tone of the email, he/she seems somewhat content.

  11. Donsquishy says:

    not dv…I have a job.

    I picked myself up by my bootstraps. This guy we are speaking of is no victim. It’s his fault he didn’t get a job that needs him.

    bad positioning on his part.

    Me? I’m still getting calls for interviews. Looking at a potentially 20k raise if I can land this next job.

    wooohoooooo here’s to Nemski taking a chance on me!

  12. RSmitty says:

    Nemski’s gonna pay you $20k more to be his personal courtesan?

  13. Duffy says:

    “This isn’t about DV (or Donny Squishy).”

    I know, my joke was a little dry I guess.

    “This guy we are speaking of is no victim. It’s his fault he didn’t get a job that needs him.”

    I similarly assume he’s joking.

  14. Donsquishy says:

    you betcha gosh darnit!

  15. whynot says:

    My hearts go out the the guys from Chase and the pharma company.
    Why such a credit crunch, wasnt it in ’94 that Clinton allowed financial institutions to get into ‘banking’ business. Then everyone could get a mortgage, it was the american dream. Pour credit, bankruptcy, no money for down payment. Then once the oil prices went up, there wasnt enough money to pay for the mortgage payment. Since the home owner did not have much invested in the house, they simply walked away from the home. Now the banks that were looking for the mortgage payments as a form of income could not loan out more money. Thus a credit crunch.
    It was a combination of greed from Wall Street and the folks that help out Main Street. The ones who wanted the ‘average’ guy to be able to own a home. So who’s to blame? I believe both parties are to blame. Deregulation and the wanting of the average guy to own a home.

    Now that the banks are starving for income, they are either closing down, laying people off and either not loaning money to the small businesss for growth and to make payroll or are charging more for the interest rate. With higher interest rates, the business owner has less money for other purchases which effect his suppliers.
    Funny how we dont hear commercials any more on the radio about how to purchase a home with no money down, bad credit no problem, you want 125% of your home purchase no problem
    We need to get a handle on our energy cost now. But how can we do it? Great that Delaware and NJ are building wind farms, but what about more refineries? Anyone want one in their own backyard? What about more nuke? Anyone want another one in their backyard? What about all the envirnmental issues and difficulties in building a new refinary? When was the last time the US built one?

    Sorry for the rant. My heart goes out to the guys who are losing their jobs. It is not their fault.
    But all I read here is that is because of the repubs, the world would be perfect if the dems ruled the world. And in the last two years with a dem controlled house and senate, they have really ‘changed’ the way Washington operates and the economy.
    Just my humble opinion

  16. Donsquishy says:

    no problem for the rant. that’s what we are here for.

    thanks for commenting hope you keep coming back (regardless of the trolls)

  17. Donsquishy says:

    why not,

    But all I read here is that is because of the repubs, the world would be perfect if the dems ruled the world. And in the last two years with a dem controlled house and senate, they have really ‘changed’ the way Washington operates and the economy.

    The problem is that it is the Repubs view of Freemarket/Deregulation that got us into this mess. Sure the Dem’s wanted people to be able to have a home, but they didn’t want to give the banks absolute freedom to do this.

    This happened under the GOP b/c they allowed it too happen. The laisezz Faire belief that the markets will dictate what is going on is horse shit.

    They wanted it both ways and now look what happens, the tax payer is left holding the bag. Why? B/C the GOP wanted free market regulations b/c their constituents wanted it (fortune 500) they got. Then they fucked it up.

    now they want help…

    this mess didn’t just surface after 2 years. It surfaced b/c it was going to happen and people predicted it way before the Dems tookover.

    If anything we are lucky they took over and it wasn’t made worse.

  18. Joanne Christian says:

    Man whynot has no idea what he/she stumbled into…

  19. Von Cracker says:

    WhyNot –

    Even though Clinton and the DLC were certainly pro-business, the deregulation you are attributing to Clinton wasn’t accomplished by him…it was the doing of McCain’s financial mind, Phil Gramm

    Good rant though…many of us feel that way too.

  20. pandora says:

    Phil Gramm? The mysteriously missing man. Where has he been lately? All summer he’s glued to McCain’s side, and then… poof! Gone.