Delaware Liberal

The 30 Percenters

As the economy continues to go belly up, as the body counts in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to rise, as the corruption and greed of the current administration’s friends blossom in a putrid fragrance, as our energy policy is driven by oil fat cats, there are a group of Republicans and Independents who want to stay the course, a group I call The 30 Percenters

The 30 Percenters call Obama, the Messiah in an attempt to belittle him. They call him an “empty suit” in an attempt to ignore his ideas. The 30 Percneters resort to name calling rather than debating the issues. They deride regulation even in the face as massive failures on Wall Street. The 30 Percenters ignore the existence Social Conservative wing of the Republican Party which has destroyed the Party of Lincoln rather admit the cancer within. The 30 Percenters should change their logo to an ostrich with its head in the sand.

The nation came together on September 12, 2001 like no other time in U.S. history. And The 30 Percenters’ President, George W. Bush, squandered an opportunity to lead this nation like no other president could have. Today, our country lies as the brink of economic and social ruin, while The 30 Percenters continue down the path Bush whacked.

Over the next eight years, the Obama Administration will be leading the U.S. government and its people. The 30 Percenters have a chance to get on board and participate, yet I imagine they’ll just continue to bitch and whine.

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