These people concern me. I watched this video this morning and felt ill. The hate is out of control. Hate. Not policy disagreement. Hate. McCain/Palin had better be careful with what they are instigating.
I have a bad feeling too, Pandora. This is very, cery frightening. Too many of them — too much hate — and we have too many days to go for “our friend” John McCain and his pal to agitate them into a frenzy.
So scary! People who don’t know anything about Barack Obama and don’t like him. Oh, the horror.
Let’s be honest, there’s very little we know about him that hasn’t been offered in a neatly-packaged sound bite. In all fairness, I didn’t read his books, but I have yet to hear him discuss who his influences and mentors have been (we do, however, have an interesting list of associates from which he has been careful to distance himself). How many people who worked with him over the past 15 years have come forward to share stories of his accomplishments? What are his accomplishments?
I obviously don’t think he’s a terrorist. Nor do I care where he grew up or what his name is, but I am very concerned that we could very well elect a man we know very little about. I am horrified that so many people appear willing to vote for him based solely on the fact that he has charisma. The man does not have a substantive record at all. I’m sure you could copy and paste a hundred bills he’s slapped his name on, but I don’t know of anything he has spearheaded. What has he fought for other than election wins? I think these are legitimate questions and concerns.
Nice job of missing the point, Dom. The things you listed as concerns aren’t what we’re talking about. And you know it. I refuse to believe you’re okay with the path this campaign is taking.
Missing the point is Dom’s raison d’etre. The man has been running for two years, has a long political career that every news organization on the planet has been through with a fine tooth comb and we still get the hamster wheel question of no one knows who he is.
And I’m sure that it is a coincidence that that piece of rhetoric is repeated ad nauseum by every wingnut there is.
The “we don’t know who he is” is proxy for the real reason that must not be named that she is opposed to him.
Let’s not make pretend that there is a reasonable question here when you could spend the rest of your life buried in Google or Lexus Nexus to get all of the data you could want — and then some — on Obama.
OK, here is what I am most annoyed by. I liked McCain2000. He was fighting the good fight and he got walloped by the Rove Express. It wasn’t fair and it was unfortunately what we were in for in the following 8 years.
McCain said that he was going to run an honorable campaign, and damnit, I believed him. I expected it to be close all the way through and hoped that my guy could pull it off with a better ground game and on the heels of the worst President in history.
Then the economy went in the crapper. Obama started making his rise in the polls and started to put it out of reach. Then something must have snapped inside John McCain. He took someone’s word that this is how it had to be done. And it has gone very wrong.
If McCain’s campaign riles these people up to a fever pitch with words like socialist, terrorist and communist they run the very real risk that there will be a lone lunatic that wants to “save the country.” McCain doesn’t want that.
I hope that somewhere inside of John McCain, that little voice of McCain2000 will be heard and he will put out the word that this cannot stand.
Ok, so nothing then? Easier to attack Dom than answer the questions. I get it.
Condescension and pretension is Cassandra’s raison d’etre. Get over yourself, dear. I know full well who he is. He is Barack Obama: part-time Junior Senator from Illinois, part-time savior of the small-minded. What I don’t know is what he’s accomplished in his political or professional career to prove that he actually stands for anything but “Change!”, especially given the fact that in his vast years of political experience I know of absolutely NOTHING that he has worked to change. From the quality of responses to my comment, I can only deduce that you don’t, either. Donbitty proves it with his #20 comment – when there are no answers, just cry racism. Welcome to Team Obama.
The Leni Riefenstahl quality of these manufactured events is scary… the fact that people are willing to display that kind of ignorance in front of a camera is frightening… so if he is a terrorist and he hates America is it OK to assassinate him?
To clash with is supporters? What is the logical extension of these views?
And based on the scripted ‘Town Hall’ questions I saw on CNN they really are trying to fan the flames…
what freaking election cycle have you been watching? how far have you stretched your arms to learn about Obama. it is right there for you.
Hello, he wrote 2 books himselfs. no Ghostwriter. He wrote them. Have you read them? NO. Of course not.
you really a sad person. so sad. there is plenty of stuff out there on Obama. His website spells out what he wants to do. He released his medical and tax records.
you know his voting record.
you know where he went to college
you know where he taught
you know he is liberal
you know whast he wants to do with education, health care, energy, the war..
what else do you want?
Why don’t you tell us what it is you want to know about him.
maybe we should start there.
So, Dom, tell us what you would like to “know” about Obama…
Did you watch the video, Dom? Look, I’m more than happy to debate issues and experience (wish McCain felt the same), but NOT on this thread.
Answer the post. Do you see a problem with these people? Do you think the language of the McCain campaign is contributing to this level of hatefulness. Don’t like Obama, fine. That’s not what’s happening in this – and many other – videos.
LG & Pandora – He’s doing what he has to do to win. Politics is blood sport. Obama did it to the Clintons, McCain is doing it to Obama. I don’t remember you guys crying foul when Obama was going through his character assassination phase.
All the McCain campaign is doing is pointing out the fact that Obama was friends with a former domestic terrorist. This is not breaking news. Obama had to know that Ayers and all of his other embarrassing associations would be an issue, but he ran anyway. Stop feeling scared or sorry for him. He’s a big boy. He’ll be fine. If you think this crap is scary, what are you going to do when he faces real challenges in the White House?
it’s not that you don’t “know” anything about obama, it’s what you want to hear.
You want to hear that he is a negro, a real negro. You want to hear that he funded the Black Panthers.
You want to hear that he is Muslim so you can hate him for another reason besides being black. You want to KNOW something about him so you can not like him for another reason besides being black.
you are just like Mike W. You don’t even know you are a racist. Which makes you the worst kind.
And welcome to Team McCain — ignorance (largely willful), sleaze, and convinced of their own talking points. Which I guess we should understand since that is — really — all that is left.
You well know that we have plenty of answers as to why we are voting for Obama, and you well know that the “savior” bit isn’t in evidence here. But, like McCain supporters everywhere, you might as well sling that around since you’ve nothing else. What we don’t have is time for the perpetual Habitrail of trying to genuinely answer your questions. Which many of us have wasted quite a bit of time on. You do this to pretend to some reasonable doubt, when it is really clear to every rational person reading that thing you need is a way to say that you refuse to vote for a black man.
Save us all the pretend uncertainty. You don’t care what Obama has done. He could have won a Nobel today and you would not care about that. Just say it and be done with it. Just say it and join the people in that video, who I am certain would be delighted to welcome you to their ranks.
Dominque you make me chuckle, what has Barack done? Valid questions, but let’s look back 8yrs on what the canidate HAD DONE shall we on W, the bumbling, alcoholic, cokehead that everything he touched he drove into the ground..including trading Sammy Sosa for crying out loud..hey that’s unamerican!
I am for Obama but honestly this current clown couldn’t have fucked up things worst if it was Osama Bin Linden their is too much damage that either candidate will be able to repair.
No, Pandora, I don’t like the language of those people. They are ignorant rednecks. Frankly, I don’t find them any more offensive than some of the people who contribute to and comment on this site. There have been vicious comments about McCain’s age and Sarah Palin’s…well, everything. There’s enough ignorance to go around on both sides.
Jason is right. I can’t stand Obama. I think he is the embodiment of what’s wrong with society – too many people who lack substance but get catapulted to the top because they’re attractive and can bullshit with the best of them. That said, I will never attack him for his age, race, religion or ethnicity. Can you say the same for your all of your fellow contributors? Can you look around this site and tell me that you’re ok with the tone used here by contributors and commenters? Tell me how it’s different than what you see in that video. To me, ignorance is ignorance – the target of it is irrelevant.
Donbitty – I’m sorry you’re having difficulty understanding my question. I thought I had written it in English. I don’t want to know his bullshit promises or his voting record. I want to know what he has accomplished on his own. What cause has he taken on? What has he fought for? Do you know?
Wow, Cassandra, how original. Thanks for pulling out the ultimate Team Obama talking point – it has to be because he’s a black man. You’re such a hypocrite. You just can’t help but sweep in with your sanctimonious belittling of anyone who doesn’t agree with you. I know this is going to be hard for you to grasp, but all of us white people are not as race-obsessed as you think. Hate to shatter the illusion, but I’m sure you’ll find some way to keep that chip from slipping off your shoulder.
It’s a simple question. I would have thought a sycophant with your amazing intellect would have had no problem supplying the answer. You’re absolutely right – it’s a Habitrail, but it’s not because of my questions; they’ve been the same all along. Unfortunately, you all throw out the standard talking points and never address the original questions. Then you blame me for being obtuse. It’s such a joke. I’ll ask what he’s fought for, what he’s spearheaded and you’ll list something that he voted in favor of or what he’s promising. JFC, it’s like trying to have a conversation with a crackhead. Get off the Habitrail, sweetie, no one’s forcing you to stay.
“I think he is the embodiment of what’s wrong with society – too many people who lack substance but get catapulted to the top because they’re attractive and can bullshit with the best of them.”
I was going to stay out of this thread, but that statement in regards to Obama shows how absolutely ignorant you are about the man’s history. He has worked and fought hard every step of the way.
Because of ignorant repubs like you, we end up with Bushs, Mccains, and Palins – vapid people who get catapulted to the top even though they can only “bullshit” with the worst of ’em.
The man has written three books, has tons of speeches, a stellar academic record, a record as a senator and a Presidential candidate, and you want us to tell you what he stands for. People like you who wallow in their own ignorance like pigs in mud are the embodiment of what is wrong with the system. Go away.
The only one left on the Habitrail is you, Dom. And here you are — not even understanding the state of play enough to know that you are the last one left running in circles.
And to all of the readers of DeLiberal — take a good read of Dom’s last paragraph there. Everything you all did to try to engage with Dom on all of her questions (and let’s not make pretend it was just me) she dismisses. All of it. Lots of folks tried pretty hard to let you know why they supported Obama here and now you want all of those folks to know you just played them all.
Which makes you a fraud, a liar and a troll. So let’s not feed it, gang.
That said, I will never attack him for his age, race, religion or ethnicity
NO, you will never do it directly, you will do it indirectly. It is apparent you feel he has succeeded in part b/c he is an educated black person that is an empty suit.
You won’t admit it, and never will, but we can see right through you.
anonone said it best. Obama wasn’t handed anything in his life and you know it. He never used his being black as a way to get ahead. he didn’t put it on his college application I believe.
You don’t see what you don’t want to see. Your ignorance has shown ever since Hillary lost by going down the same road as Mccain.
This really scares me. McCain/Palin are stirring up prejudice and hatred. My only silver lining is perhaps this tactic will fail and become less acceptable to do.
LG, I don’t think the McCain of 2000 ever existed. I think the McCain of 2008 is the McCain of 2000.
It isn’t funny — it is part of the desperation that has been growing for months. Not an objection to policy (at least not one based on the facts), but an objection to someone on the same board as he was.
Next week, they’ll have a new line of attack based on Obama staying in a hotel room that had an undocumented worker as its housekeeper.
Yes, Von you’re right. Obama and Ayers are not friends. In fact, one of McCain’s endorsers, Leonore Annenberg, is a better friend of Ayers, since she appointed him to the Annenberg Challenge.
It is as clear as a bell that Dominique is just a racist. She may not even be conscious of it herself, but if you, on October 9, 2008, say “we don’t know who Obama is,” then either you are an ignorant fool who has not read or watched a single piece of news since 2002, or you are racist.
Awww…Cassandra running with the crackhead theme. She did exactly what I said she was doing…again. I ask 123, she answers abc. Isn’t she precious?
You guys are certifiably insane. Just read over your comments and ask yourselves if you are proud of the way you “debate”. The DL M.O. is very clear. This is meant to be an echo chamber. If someone questions the Great One, you swarm in like angry hornets and launch personal attacks. ZZZZzzzzz. Are any of you capable of objective thinking or are you so partisan that you’ve lost all sense of reason?
I didn’t say I didn’t know who he is. I didn’t ask what he stands for. I didn’t ask what kind of student he was. Go back and read my questions and tell me where any of you have actually answered them. I’ve seen the standard talking points – his great academic career, his books, his policies, his valiant work as a community organizer, blah, blah, blah. I just don’t see the answers to the few pretty simple questions that I actually asked. I understand why, though.
DelawareDem – You are a moronic, misogynist, pig. You attack female politicians because you are intimated by women who get ahead. It’s clear as a bell that you are an inarticulate loser who expects the government to bail him out of his pathetic life. See, I can launch completely baseless attacks, too! Wasn’t that fun?!?
And here you are a liar again, Dom. We can all read what you’ve said exactly in this thread — and the words are that there is very little that you know about him. More lies (as everyone who has engaged with you will attest to) is that you have gotten way more than talking points (frankly, there aren’t many in the way that the repubs use them) — you’ve gotten links to long articles, interviews, extensive discussions from very personal places that you’ve summarily dismissed. Summarily dismissed because you don’t want to hear it.
I wish I had understood earlier that you hadn’t gotten much past high school as an organizing principle. I never would have wasted my time and I’d bet that lots of others wouldn’t have, either.
VC – When did I say they were friends? I think their relationship was probably more than he’s claiming it was and less than McCain is claiming it is.
You may not find it the least bit curious that he claims not to have known about Ayers’ terrorist activities, Rezko’s criminal activities and Wright’s sermons, but I do. Being blissfully unaware of one of them might have been plausible, but it’s kind of weird that he didn’t know about any of the questionable and/or illegal things that three different well-known people who supported and/or mentored him were doing requires a suspension of reason. Either he’s a liar or he’s a dolt. Which is worse? It’s ok to say it doesn’t bother you or you’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. I’m just saying those things bother me. I know that’s not a popular or welcomed opinion in these parts, but I’m not going to lose too much sleep about that.
I can NOT wait until we get a multi-line phone. I fully expect these bitch fests to carry over onto the Intertube air waves. I’m telling you all, this shit is AWESOME!!!
“All the McCain campaign is doing is pointing out the fact that Obama was friends with a former domestic terrorist. This is not breaking news. Obama had to know that Ayers and all of his other embarrassing associations would be an issue, but he ran anyway. Stop feeling scared or sorry for him. He’s a big boy. He’ll be fine. If you think this crap is scary, what are you going to do when he faces real challenges in the White House?”
Pathetic. Swallow your pride or get a lobotomy, but please stop playing dumb.
VC-You have to remember”most people” haven’t a clue about ANYTHING politically, another than party status. It’s a sad reality. No low opinion involved at all I’m sure. For some of us it is passion, or responsibility–for others it’s dry and boring. Just like baseball. And yes charisma carries–the “it” factor has long been established in front of the camera, and talking w/ folks. We all know FDR would not have been elected, if America saw the wheelchair or struggle to walk. And Barry Manilow and Neal Sedaka would have sold a lot more albums if they never appeared before a camera. It’s just one of those injustices present, but precipitous. Be glad “it”, may be on your side–because it well may counter the “race”, you are afraid of.
I’ve seen the standard talking points – his great academic career, his books, his policies, his valiant work as a community organizer, blah, blah, blah.
So what is your question again dom?
I must have missed it?
What questions do you need answered by Obama? What do you want to know?
“I wish I had understood earlier that you hadn’t gotten much past high school as an organizing principle. I never would have wasted my time and I’d bet that lots of others wouldn’t have, either.”
What does that even mean? Do you realize what a condescending snot you are? Do you revel in that kind of behavior? Do you have any idea how ugly that sounds?
Jason – it’s a little disingenuous to pick just a few words out of my comment and twist it so it fits into your argument. It’s almost, dare I say, GOPish. Well played, my friend. Well played.
Of course, we both know what I really said was:
“…there’s very little we know about him that hasn’t been offered in a neatly-packaged sound bite.”
I know exactly what he and his campaign want me to know. FTR, I’m just saying I haven’t heard of anything SPECIFIC he’s fought for or any legislation he’s spearheaded – I didn’t say there wasn’t any. I just figured someone here at Obama Central would have been able to answer the question pretty easily. You know, something like:
He lobbied for the votes to get the minimum wage in Illinois raised, or
He fought hard but fell just a couple of votes shy of getting tougher sentences for child predators in Illinois, or
He spearheaded an effort to decrease utility costs in Illinois, or
He went head-to-head with his fellow Dems in the Senate to toughen penalties for illegal immigration (not that I’m in favor of that, mind you).
I’m looking for specific LEGISLATIVE issues he’s fought for or accomplished as opposed to the laundry list of bills he signed his name to or voted in favor of.
I would ask all of you to stop acting like a bunch of nasty bitches. I get that you’re full of piss and vinegar and you’re furious with Bush and you’re bluest of blue Democrats. That’s just swell. It might be nice if you could control some of that rage for a change. It would make you all seem a little more…I don’t know…normal.
VC – I’m sorry. I missed that part of my comment. I stand corrected.
FWIW, I don’t really have a problem with the Ayers relationship. Evidently, he is somewhat well-respected in Chicago. To each his own, I guess. I have more of a problem with the fact that it appears Obama is being less than forthright about it.
Don’t start down this questions thing again. It is a black hole and she doesn’t give a shit about any of it, except to make you perform.
Or — think about it this way: when Jason runs for Mike Castle’s seat, Dom is going to be his William Ayers. And poor Jason will be stopped in his tracks just because he talked to Dom a bunch of times on a blog.
Donbitty – great idea! I just googled “Obama’s mentors” and “Obama’s influences” and got pages and pages of Wright, Emil Jones and Saul Alinsky. Any other ideas, genius?
Why the fuck would I read his book? I DON’T LIKE HIM and I never had any intention of voting for him. He’s a wishy-washy lightweight and I want a little more in a leader. I’m not a racist, I’m a wussist.
Look at Cassandra, all in my head. She’s like the Almighty Kreskin. She knows me so well. She knows what I think and feel. She knows my every intention and desire. She knows EVERYTHING. She’s so smart, too. She has a great vocabulary and sometimes she even throws a little foreign phrase just in case people forget how much more intelligent she is than the rest of us. I’m so lucky to have her around so I don’t have to express my own thoughts. I heard she does card tricks, too.
Why the fuck would I read his book? I DON’T LIKE HIM and I never had any intention of voting for him. He’s a wishy-washy lightweight and I want a little more in a leader. I’m not a racist, I’m a wussist.
so it doesn’t matter what we tell you, you wont like him.
So? Why ask all these questions when you know it won’t matter. Don’t posit questions expecting us to just sit there and not answer them. then get pissed off.
We get it, you don’t like him. No matter what he has done you won’t like him. It’s ok to admit it’s because he is black.
She’s so smart, too. She has a great vocabulary and sometimes she even throws a little foreign phrase just in case people forget how much more intelligent she is than the rest of us. I’m so lucky to have her around so I don’t have to express my own thoughts. I heard she does card tricks, too.
Cass for the record, I think she knows you are smarter than her….
It at least listed a couple of things. I don’t think it makes him anywhere near president-worthy, but it was at least encouraging to know that he did something other than just add his name to other people’s bills (which is what Emil Jones allegedly did for him in IL). I still give him a resounding meh.
maybe you two should meet at the library. You can have one of those community service meetings where you help out an old person learn how to use a computer.
Yes, Donbitty, very intimidated by people who are smarter than I am. Good thing there’s no threat from you.
You’re absolutely right, nothing you will tell me will change my mind about him like nothing I will tell you about McCain will change your mind about him. There’s nothing wrong with that.
I only ask the questions because I simply don’t understand what Obama supporters see in him. I’m not asking anyone to convince me, I’m just asking you to help me understand your logic. The race shit is way off base. It’s as ridiculous to accuse me of not voting for him because he’s black as it would be for me to accuse you of not supporting Hillary because she’s a woman. You saw something you like in Obama. I didn’t see the same thing. It’s as simple as that.
Hillary was like my wacky ex wife
McCain is like my grumpy Archie Bunkeresque Grandfathers (rest their souls)
Sarah is like the cutie down the hall in my co-ed dorm.
Joe is like my cool, but cerebral uncle.
And Obama (with Michele) is the guy raising kids, like me.
Hillary–as a woman-worked twice as hard for half the credit
McCain–my cool, but cerebral uncle who served as asked, never spoke about it, until PBS interview, when all of us kids (sons, daughters, nieces, nephews heard for the first time and were shocked!), a bit grumpy now–but we love him, and he was cool, and he did serve.
Sarah-mean girl down the hall, who always came out smellin’ like a rose
Joe-is like my cool, but cerebral uncle
And Obama (with Michele)–as a race-worked half as hard for twice the credit, in these affirmative action/PC times. Has embraced “yuppiedom”, to have 2 children to get off the “to do” list, but defers to childcare/”pre-pre-school programs”, to raise them–so they can continue their more self validating work in the career field.
I’m telling you gtg and others–this is the generational race to rival Kennedy/Nixon. It will be the doorbuster of a whole new era, defined by who the US is today. But don’t discount those yesteryear voters. Although, they discounted young and Catholic–it was their issue–and guess what? There is more of them today…they are living longer…and they vote. Just my sociological, anectdotal opinion. I tend to address head-on.
McCain never spoke about his service?! Jesus, he bragged like a frat boy who got doubled teamed by two strippers last night. Every fucking detail of his “service” story defined his entire public life. That’s a joke right. Seriously.
Joanne, your description of the Obama’s is extremely disappointing and nasty.
Portraying working parents as “trendy” demonstrates an out of touch attitude with today’s reality, and your comment about having children as something to cross off a “to do” list leaves me speechless.
The race baiting affirmative action comment is beneath you, as well. And if it isn’t, then I’m afraid I’ve misjudged you.
The Obama’s represent everything you republicans have been demanding of minorities for years.
And the idea that McCain doesn’t speak about his war record is laughable and ridiculously easy to disprove.
McCain has been working that POW thing for as long as I’ve been aware of him. It is the basis of his political career and is much of his discussion in his books.
And you should actually talk to a black person who has graduated from an Ivy League college about that working half as hard thing, you’ll be stunned at what you’ll find.
Michelle & Barack Obama are both people who have worked very hard to achieve the American dream. Barack Obama is doing the ultimate patriotic duty – he’s running for president. It’s not an easy thing to do, to put yourself out there so jerkwads can sneer and smear. I have nothing but the utmost respect for them and for the other presidential candidates.
How dare people say that he isn’t worthy. He’s been running for office for 2 years. I’m calling it like it is – if you say that you don’t trust him or you don’t know him – it’s because of prejudice.
There are legitimate criticisms of Obama. His relative lack of experience, policy positions, his advisors and issues like that. Personal issues should play no part. We’re electing the President of the United States, not our new best friend or American Idol. We need serious considerations at a serious time. It’s disgusting that people denigrate his achievements because they don’t like him.
Joanne… we like chatting with you, but you are in Archie Bunker territory here, and elsewhere (as I recall other comments from you showing outdated views on welfare recipients).
Once your facts are updated, I suspect your natural compassion will lead you to the right place.
Black men in America, and women too I suppose, are taught that they have to work twice as hard to get to the same place as a white man. This is a cultural constant since Reconstruction. I see that in the black men and women I work with and know, and I see it in Obama.
Read the autobiography of Booker T. Washington someday.
DeLib (w/ special concern to Pandora and cassandra whom I’ve met)
I took the bait. Throughout the threads, it has been repeatedly stated, “But I’m worried…”, “Why don’t you come out and say it”, “Just say it and be done…”, “we still have a ways to go..”
The gtg #88 post was the segue of the ENTIRE base of strategical fear, that I labeled “generational perspective”, that you very much have to fear, and stupid me addressed it. I perhaps, should have left it alone, let it still be the elephant in the room, and let the DeLib folks address this. Instead, I come back to the above retorts, and indictments. What I really expected, and obviously miscalculated; were more comments along the line:
You’re right Joanne, we can’t be complacent in thinking this is wrapped up because of YouTube, and feverish polls, college campuses etc.
Agreed Joanne, race and sex are the “edgy” factors this year, as were youth and religion in 1960.
And for the real observant reader…I expected someone to say…well that’s right, and Obama wins, because Joe comes across as everyone’s favorite fun, but cerebral uncle.
But this didn’t happen, and I am truly sorry. I took the bait. I know I cannot take back those words, and tensions are high now–but my actions, life’s work, and associations will remain as they always have….open, tolerant, and unapologetic–except when I’ve misfired. Forgive me. Please.
Forget about it, Joanne. We’ve all written things that we rather we’d hadn’t. There are many times I’ve reread a comment of mine and thought, “that didn’t come out the way I wanted it to.”
Are you saying that you were kidding when you said Michelle Obama worked half as hard for twice the credit? The internet doesn’t do nuance too well, so perhaps you could make it more clear.
OK — if I go back and reread Joanne’s post as an explication of a certain generation’s reasoning, I see what you are saying. Definitely that is the way that some folks think (and some folks on this blog, even) and that thinking is still the big unknown in this election.
I read your post to really mean you when you talked about “my” so often. Sorry to have misread.
mike w must have chosen to leave on his own accord.
I just don’t have any idea what has happened to him. the comments seem to move along better even with the guy that keeps changing his name b/c he thinks he is cute
exactly, but mine is flashier.
jinx! you took mine too! bastard…
These people concern me. I watched this video this morning and felt ill. The hate is out of control. Hate. Not policy disagreement. Hate. McCain/Palin had better be careful with what they are instigating.
it’s their base Pandora. They have catered to them for years.
Like the spoiled brat that doesn’t get his toy at the store, they are pitching a fit, b/c in the past they have always gotten what they want
I still find what they’re stirring up to be dangerous.
Was that an incognito klavern meeting?
be proud of your base, conservatives!
they have been stirring it for years. Now though, they are going to lose and it’s to a Black guy…
DV, thanks for trying to talk me down, but I can’t get rid of this bad feeling.
I have a bad feeling too, Pandora. This is very, cery frightening. Too many of them — too much hate — and we have too many days to go for “our friend” John McCain and his pal to agitate them into a frenzy.
Hey…where is Mike W saying “But Obama people hate too!”
teheheheeee I don’t know teeeheheheeheee
O…MY…GOD. These people are as fucking whacky as the 9/11 Truthers.
So scary! People who don’t know anything about Barack Obama and don’t like him. Oh, the horror.
Let’s be honest, there’s very little we know about him that hasn’t been offered in a neatly-packaged sound bite. In all fairness, I didn’t read his books, but I have yet to hear him discuss who his influences and mentors have been (we do, however, have an interesting list of associates from which he has been careful to distance himself). How many people who worked with him over the past 15 years have come forward to share stories of his accomplishments? What are his accomplishments?
I obviously don’t think he’s a terrorist. Nor do I care where he grew up or what his name is, but I am very concerned that we could very well elect a man we know very little about. I am horrified that so many people appear willing to vote for him based solely on the fact that he has charisma. The man does not have a substantive record at all. I’m sure you could copy and paste a hundred bills he’s slapped his name on, but I don’t know of anything he has spearheaded. What has he fought for other than election wins? I think these are legitimate questions and concerns.
These people are worse than the 9/11 Truthers. These people aren’t far from heading over to Bed Bath and Beyond for their new rally outfits.
Nice job of missing the point, Dom. The things you listed as concerns aren’t what we’re talking about. And you know it. I refuse to believe you’re okay with the path this campaign is taking.
Shorter Dom: I hate Obama.
Shorter Jason: We get it.
Missing the point is Dom’s raison d’etre. The man has been running for two years, has a long political career that every news organization on the planet has been through with a fine tooth comb and we still get the hamster wheel question of no one knows who he is.
And I’m sure that it is a coincidence that that piece of rhetoric is repeated ad nauseum by every wingnut there is.
The “we don’t know who he is” is proxy for the real reason that must not be named that she is opposed to him.
Let’s not make pretend that there is a reasonable question here when you could spend the rest of your life buried in Google or Lexus Nexus to get all of the data you could want — and then some — on Obama.
Let’s be honest, there’s very little we know about him that hasn’t been offered in a neatly-packaged sound bite.
Well let’s be honest then and say you are being dishonest.
freaking racist man
Palin and Cindy McCain are feeding this hate frenzy and should be ashamed of themselves. The people in this video are freakin’ WACKADOOS!
OK, here is what I am most annoyed by. I liked McCain2000. He was fighting the good fight and he got walloped by the Rove Express. It wasn’t fair and it was unfortunately what we were in for in the following 8 years.
McCain said that he was going to run an honorable campaign, and damnit, I believed him. I expected it to be close all the way through and hoped that my guy could pull it off with a better ground game and on the heels of the worst President in history.
Then the economy went in the crapper. Obama started making his rise in the polls and started to put it out of reach. Then something must have snapped inside John McCain. He took someone’s word that this is how it had to be done. And it has gone very wrong.
If McCain’s campaign riles these people up to a fever pitch with words like socialist, terrorist and communist they run the very real risk that there will be a lone lunatic that wants to “save the country.” McCain doesn’t want that.
I hope that somewhere inside of John McCain, that little voice of McCain2000 will be heard and he will put out the word that this cannot stand.
Ok, so nothing then? Easier to attack Dom than answer the questions. I get it.
Condescension and pretension is Cassandra’s raison d’etre. Get over yourself, dear. I know full well who he is. He is Barack Obama: part-time Junior Senator from Illinois, part-time savior of the small-minded. What I don’t know is what he’s accomplished in his political or professional career to prove that he actually stands for anything but “Change!”, especially given the fact that in his vast years of political experience I know of absolutely NOTHING that he has worked to change. From the quality of responses to my comment, I can only deduce that you don’t, either. Donbitty proves it with his #20 comment – when there are no answers, just cry racism. Welcome to Team Obama.
The Leni Riefenstahl quality of these manufactured events is scary… the fact that people are willing to display that kind of ignorance in front of a camera is frightening… so if he is a terrorist and he hates America is it OK to assassinate him?
To clash with is supporters? What is the logical extension of these views?
And based on the scripted ‘Town Hall’ questions I saw on CNN they really are trying to fan the flames…
what questions dom?
what freaking election cycle have you been watching? how far have you stretched your arms to learn about Obama. it is right there for you.
Hello, he wrote 2 books himselfs. no Ghostwriter. He wrote them. Have you read them? NO. Of course not.
you really a sad person. so sad. there is plenty of stuff out there on Obama. His website spells out what he wants to do. He released his medical and tax records.
you know his voting record.
you know where he went to college
you know where he taught
you know he is liberal
you know whast he wants to do with education, health care, energy, the war..
what else do you want?
Why don’t you tell us what it is you want to know about him.
maybe we should start there.
So, Dom, tell us what you would like to “know” about Obama…
Did you watch the video, Dom? Look, I’m more than happy to debate issues and experience (wish McCain felt the same), but NOT on this thread.
Answer the post. Do you see a problem with these people? Do you think the language of the McCain campaign is contributing to this level of hatefulness. Don’t like Obama, fine. That’s not what’s happening in this – and many other – videos.
LG & Pandora – He’s doing what he has to do to win. Politics is blood sport. Obama did it to the Clintons, McCain is doing it to Obama. I don’t remember you guys crying foul when Obama was going through his character assassination phase.
All the McCain campaign is doing is pointing out the fact that Obama was friends with a former domestic terrorist. This is not breaking news. Obama had to know that Ayers and all of his other embarrassing associations would be an issue, but he ran anyway. Stop feeling scared or sorry for him. He’s a big boy. He’ll be fine. If you think this crap is scary, what are you going to do when he faces real challenges in the White House?
it’s not that you don’t “know” anything about obama, it’s what you want to hear.
You want to hear that he is a negro, a real negro. You want to hear that he funded the Black Panthers.
You want to hear that he is Muslim so you can hate him for another reason besides being black. You want to KNOW something about him so you can not like him for another reason besides being black.
you are just like Mike W. You don’t even know you are a racist. Which makes you the worst kind.
of course she didn’t watch the video. They never do. Mike W. didn’t, Pudding, Nope, Chris, Nope,
they don’t read it or watch the stuff. they just yap away…
And welcome to Team McCain — ignorance (largely willful), sleaze, and convinced of their own talking points. Which I guess we should understand since that is — really — all that is left.
You well know that we have plenty of answers as to why we are voting for Obama, and you well know that the “savior” bit isn’t in evidence here. But, like McCain supporters everywhere, you might as well sling that around since you’ve nothing else. What we don’t have is time for the perpetual Habitrail of trying to genuinely answer your questions. Which many of us have wasted quite a bit of time on. You do this to pretend to some reasonable doubt, when it is really clear to every rational person reading that thing you need is a way to say that you refuse to vote for a black man.
Save us all the pretend uncertainty. You don’t care what Obama has done. He could have won a Nobel today and you would not care about that. Just say it and be done with it. Just say it and join the people in that video, who I am certain would be delighted to welcome you to their ranks.
Dominque you make me chuckle, what has Barack done? Valid questions, but let’s look back 8yrs on what the canidate HAD DONE shall we on W, the bumbling, alcoholic, cokehead that everything he touched he drove into the ground..including trading Sammy Sosa for crying out loud..hey that’s unamerican!
I am for Obama but honestly this current clown couldn’t have fucked up things worst if it was Osama Bin Linden their is too much damage that either candidate will be able to repair.
So Dom-
If calling him the ‘N’ word and stirring anti-Muslim sentiment linked to the false pretense he is Muslim, is that OK?
Where is the line drawn? A coup? Tell us where doing what you have to do to win crosses the line…
No, Pandora, I don’t like the language of those people. They are ignorant rednecks. Frankly, I don’t find them any more offensive than some of the people who contribute to and comment on this site. There have been vicious comments about McCain’s age and Sarah Palin’s…well, everything. There’s enough ignorance to go around on both sides.
Jason is right. I can’t stand Obama. I think he is the embodiment of what’s wrong with society – too many people who lack substance but get catapulted to the top because they’re attractive and can bullshit with the best of them. That said, I will never attack him for his age, race, religion or ethnicity. Can you say the same for your all of your fellow contributors? Can you look around this site and tell me that you’re ok with the tone used here by contributors and commenters? Tell me how it’s different than what you see in that video. To me, ignorance is ignorance – the target of it is irrelevant.
Donbitty – I’m sorry you’re having difficulty understanding my question. I thought I had written it in English. I don’t want to know his bullshit promises or his voting record. I want to know what he has accomplished on his own. What cause has he taken on? What has he fought for? Do you know?
Okay. On second watching here is my question. What is the COMBINED annual income of everyone that guy interviewed?
Maybe $250,000…$300,000 tops. (?) These people are out and out dupes.
BTW – Not Brian makes a good point. The whole tone of this hatefest is unAmerican. It is stunning that McCain is fostering this kind of behavior.
Wow, Cassandra, how original. Thanks for pulling out the ultimate Team Obama talking point – it has to be because he’s a black man. You’re such a hypocrite. You just can’t help but sweep in with your sanctimonious belittling of anyone who doesn’t agree with you. I know this is going to be hard for you to grasp, but all of us white people are not as race-obsessed as you think. Hate to shatter the illusion, but I’m sure you’ll find some way to keep that chip from slipping off your shoulder.
It’s a simple question. I would have thought a sycophant with your amazing intellect would have had no problem supplying the answer. You’re absolutely right – it’s a Habitrail, but it’s not because of my questions; they’ve been the same all along. Unfortunately, you all throw out the standard talking points and never address the original questions. Then you blame me for being obtuse. It’s such a joke. I’ll ask what he’s fought for, what he’s spearheaded and you’ll list something that he voted in favor of or what he’s promising. JFC, it’s like trying to have a conversation with a crackhead. Get off the Habitrail, sweetie, no one’s forcing you to stay.
“I think he is the embodiment of what’s wrong with society – too many people who lack substance but get catapulted to the top because they’re attractive and can bullshit with the best of them.”
I was going to stay out of this thread, but that statement in regards to Obama shows how absolutely ignorant you are about the man’s history. He has worked and fought hard every step of the way.
Because of ignorant repubs like you, we end up with Bushs, Mccains, and Palins – vapid people who get catapulted to the top even though they can only “bullshit” with the worst of ’em.
The man has written three books, has tons of speeches, a stellar academic record, a record as a senator and a Presidential candidate, and you want us to tell you what he stands for. People like you who wallow in their own ignorance like pigs in mud are the embodiment of what is wrong with the system. Go away.
Two… Minutes… Hate
The only one left on the Habitrail is you, Dom. And here you are — not even understanding the state of play enough to know that you are the last one left running in circles.
And to all of the readers of DeLiberal — take a good read of Dom’s last paragraph there. Everything you all did to try to engage with Dom on all of her questions (and let’s not make pretend it was just me) she dismisses. All of it. Lots of folks tried pretty hard to let you know why they supported Obama here and now you want all of those folks to know you just played them all.
Which makes you a fraud, a liar and a troll. So let’s not feed it, gang.
That said, I will never attack him for his age, race, religion or ethnicity
NO, you will never do it directly, you will do it indirectly. It is apparent you feel he has succeeded in part b/c he is an educated black person that is an empty suit.
You won’t admit it, and never will, but we can see right through you.
anonone said it best. Obama wasn’t handed anything in his life and you know it. He never used his being black as a way to get ahead. he didn’t put it on his college application I believe.
You don’t see what you don’t want to see. Your ignorance has shown ever since Hillary lost by going down the same road as Mccain.
What’s funny is that Dom believes that they were friends!
They are not, and never were, friends. Obama and Ayers are only acquaintances. Does anyone really want that to be a standard in political vetting?
If so, then we’re all not worthy.
This really scares me. McCain/Palin are stirring up prejudice and hatred. My only silver lining is perhaps this tactic will fail and become less acceptable to do.
LG, I don’t think the McCain of 2000 ever existed. I think the McCain of 2008 is the McCain of 2000.
It isn’t funny — it is part of the desperation that has been growing for months. Not an objection to policy (at least not one based on the facts), but an objection to someone on the same board as he was.
Next week, they’ll have a new line of attack based on Obama staying in a hotel room that had an undocumented worker as its housekeeper.
Yes, Von you’re right. Obama and Ayers are not friends. In fact, one of McCain’s endorsers, Leonore Annenberg, is a better friend of Ayers, since she appointed him to the Annenberg Challenge.
I agree, UI. McCain’s been out for numero uno since day one…especially after reading the new Rolling Stone piece on him.
It is as clear as a bell that Dominique is just a racist. She may not even be conscious of it herself, but if you, on October 9, 2008, say “we don’t know who Obama is,” then either you are an ignorant fool who has not read or watched a single piece of news since 2002, or you are racist.
We know plenty about Obama.
Remember my QOD a week or two ago that asked “how low will they go”
I think we are finding out…
Next week, they’ll have a new line of attack based on Obama staying in a hotel room that had an undocumented worker as its housekeeper.
now that is funny!
Awww…Cassandra running with the crackhead theme. She did exactly what I said she was doing…again. I ask 123, she answers abc. Isn’t she precious?
You guys are certifiably insane. Just read over your comments and ask yourselves if you are proud of the way you “debate”. The DL M.O. is very clear. This is meant to be an echo chamber. If someone questions the Great One, you swarm in like angry hornets and launch personal attacks. ZZZZzzzzz. Are any of you capable of objective thinking or are you so partisan that you’ve lost all sense of reason?
I didn’t say I didn’t know who he is. I didn’t ask what he stands for. I didn’t ask what kind of student he was. Go back and read my questions and tell me where any of you have actually answered them. I’ve seen the standard talking points – his great academic career, his books, his policies, his valiant work as a community organizer, blah, blah, blah. I just don’t see the answers to the few pretty simple questions that I actually asked. I understand why, though.
DelawareDem – You are a moronic, misogynist, pig. You attack female politicians because you are intimated by women who get ahead. It’s clear as a bell that you are an inarticulate loser who expects the government to bail him out of his pathetic life. See, I can launch completely baseless attacks, too! Wasn’t that fun?!?
you said they were friends; you were wrong.
and making sweeping statements like – it’s disturbing that so many are willing to vote for Obama – is the pinnacle of arrogance.
You must have a very low opinion of most people, Dom.
Dom, you’re guilty of spreading lies. You said that they were friends; you were wrong. Plus making statement such as…
“I am horrified that so many people appear willing to vote for him based solely on the fact that he has charisma.” the pinnacle of arrogance. You must have a very low opinion of most people, Dom.
“There’s very little we know about him (Obama).”
We all have our M.O.’s eh Dom?
Look. This is just silly. You come here with nothing to simply pick fights. Then you get fights and you say, “golly, you guys sure like to fight.”
It is moronic. It is beneath you. We’ve met. I know you are better than this. Why are you hiding your light under this idiotic pose?
And here you are a liar again, Dom. We can all read what you’ve said exactly in this thread — and the words are that there is very little that you know about him. More lies (as everyone who has engaged with you will attest to) is that you have gotten way more than talking points (frankly, there aren’t many in the way that the repubs use them) — you’ve gotten links to long articles, interviews, extensive discussions from very personal places that you’ve summarily dismissed. Summarily dismissed because you don’t want to hear it.
I wish I had understood earlier that you hadn’t gotten much past high school as an organizing principle. I never would have wasted my time and I’d bet that lots of others wouldn’t have, either.
VC – When did I say they were friends? I think their relationship was probably more than he’s claiming it was and less than McCain is claiming it is.
You may not find it the least bit curious that he claims not to have known about Ayers’ terrorist activities, Rezko’s criminal activities and Wright’s sermons, but I do. Being blissfully unaware of one of them might have been plausible, but it’s kind of weird that he didn’t know about any of the questionable and/or illegal things that three different well-known people who supported and/or mentored him were doing requires a suspension of reason. Either he’s a liar or he’s a dolt. Which is worse? It’s ok to say it doesn’t bother you or you’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. I’m just saying those things bother me. I know that’s not a popular or welcomed opinion in these parts, but I’m not going to lose too much sleep about that.
I can NOT wait until we get a multi-line phone. I fully expect these bitch fests to carry over onto the Intertube air waves. I’m telling you all, this shit is AWESOME!!!
“All the McCain campaign is doing is pointing out the fact that Obama was friends with a former domestic terrorist. This is not breaking news. Obama had to know that Ayers and all of his other embarrassing associations would be an issue, but he ran anyway. Stop feeling scared or sorry for him. He’s a big boy. He’ll be fine. If you think this crap is scary, what are you going to do when he faces real challenges in the White House?”
Pathetic. Swallow your pride or get a lobotomy, but please stop playing dumb.
VC-You have to remember”most people” haven’t a clue about ANYTHING politically, another than party status. It’s a sad reality. No low opinion involved at all I’m sure. For some of us it is passion, or responsibility–for others it’s dry and boring. Just like baseball. And yes charisma carries–the “it” factor has long been established in front of the camera, and talking w/ folks. We all know FDR would not have been elected, if America saw the wheelchair or struggle to walk. And Barry Manilow and Neal Sedaka would have sold a lot more albums if they never appeared before a camera. It’s just one of those injustices present, but precipitous. Be glad “it”, may be on your side–because it well may counter the “race”, you are afraid of.
I’ve seen the standard talking points – his great academic career, his books, his policies, his valiant work as a community organizer, blah, blah, blah.
So what is your question again dom?
I must have missed it?
What questions do you need answered by Obama? What do you want to know?
What makes you think that you are better than Hillary Clinton?
Something to that effect.
“I wish I had understood earlier that you hadn’t gotten much past high school as an organizing principle. I never would have wasted my time and I’d bet that lots of others wouldn’t have, either.”
What does that even mean? Do you realize what a condescending snot you are? Do you revel in that kind of behavior? Do you have any idea how ugly that sounds?
Jason – it’s a little disingenuous to pick just a few words out of my comment and twist it so it fits into your argument. It’s almost, dare I say, GOPish. Well played, my friend. Well played.
Of course, we both know what I really said was:
“…there’s very little we know about him that hasn’t been offered in a neatly-packaged sound bite.”
I know exactly what he and his campaign want me to know. FTR, I’m just saying I haven’t heard of anything SPECIFIC he’s fought for or any legislation he’s spearheaded – I didn’t say there wasn’t any. I just figured someone here at Obama Central would have been able to answer the question pretty easily. You know, something like:
He lobbied for the votes to get the minimum wage in Illinois raised, or
He fought hard but fell just a couple of votes shy of getting tougher sentences for child predators in Illinois, or
He spearheaded an effort to decrease utility costs in Illinois, or
He went head-to-head with his fellow Dems in the Senate to toughen penalties for illegal immigration (not that I’m in favor of that, mind you).
I’m looking for specific LEGISLATIVE issues he’s fought for or accomplished as opposed to the laundry list of bills he signed his name to or voted in favor of.
I would ask all of you to stop acting like a bunch of nasty bitches. I get that you’re full of piss and vinegar and you’re furious with Bush and you’re bluest of blue Democrats. That’s just swell. It might be nice if you could control some of that rage for a change. It would make you all seem a little more…I don’t know…normal.
Let’s play, tear apart the racist.
In all fairness, I didn’t read his books, but I have yet to hear him discuss who his influences and mentors have been
GEE, maybe if you read the books you would know. Or listened to him, you would know too. Or maybe googled (go get a pencil and right this down)
I find it fucking hilarious Dominique that you say you know nothing about him, but then admit, You admitted you didn’t read his book.
Are you unaware of how asinine that comment is.
“Hi, I’m an idiot. I don’t know anything about XYZ.”
Oh, well did you do any research?
“No. I’m waiting to be told”
Oh, I see.
Seriously Dom, you are so transparent to everyone here but yourself.
Who says, I know nothing about someone, but then in the same breath says they didnt’ take the time to learn about him?
VC – I’m sorry. I missed that part of my comment. I stand corrected.
FWIW, I don’t really have a problem with the Ayers relationship. Evidently, he is somewhat well-respected in Chicago. To each his own, I guess. I have more of a problem with the fact that it appears Obama is being less than forthright about it.
Don’t start down this questions thing again. It is a black hole and she doesn’t give a shit about any of it, except to make you perform.
Or — think about it this way: when Jason runs for Mike Castle’s seat, Dom is going to be his William Ayers. And poor Jason will be stopped in his tracks just because he talked to Dom a bunch of times on a blog.
Donbitty – great idea! I just googled “Obama’s mentors” and “Obama’s influences” and got pages and pages of Wright, Emil Jones and Saul Alinsky. Any other ideas, genius?
Why the fuck would I read his book? I DON’T LIKE HIM and I never had any intention of voting for him. He’s a wishy-washy lightweight and I want a little more in a leader. I’m not a racist, I’m a wussist.
OK, Dom. That made me laugh.
The Unsinkable
Molly BrownDominique. Love her!Look at Cassandra, all in my head. She’s like the Almighty Kreskin. She knows me so well. She knows what I think and feel. She knows my every intention and desire. She knows EVERYTHING. She’s so smart, too. She has a great vocabulary and sometimes she even throws a little foreign phrase just in case people forget how much more intelligent she is than the rest of us. I’m so lucky to have her around so I don’t have to express my own thoughts. I heard she does card tricks, too.
Strong daddy type, huh? 😉
Why not try googling… Obama accomplishments, list
ahhhh so there it is
Why the fuck would I read his book? I DON’T LIKE HIM and I never had any intention of voting for him. He’s a wishy-washy lightweight and I want a little more in a leader. I’m not a racist, I’m a wussist.
so it doesn’t matter what we tell you, you wont like him.
So? Why ask all these questions when you know it won’t matter. Don’t posit questions expecting us to just sit there and not answer them. then get pissed off.
We get it, you don’t like him. No matter what he has done you won’t like him. It’s ok to admit it’s because he is black.
She’s so smart, too. She has a great vocabulary and sometimes she even throws a little foreign phrase just in case people forget how much more intelligent she is than the rest of us. I’m so lucky to have her around so I don’t have to express my own thoughts. I heard she does card tricks, too.
Cass for the record, I think she knows you are smarter than her….
I think Dom is intimidated by people that are smarter than her. Wow, double that fact that it’s a black guy, man her head explodes.
P – That worked better. I found a pretty unbiased article about him from 2006 (I had to week thru the obviously pro-Obama stuff like DU and HuffPo)…
It at least listed a couple of things. I don’t think it makes him anywhere near president-worthy, but it was at least encouraging to know that he did something other than just add his name to other people’s bills (which is what Emil Jones allegedly did for him in IL). I still give him a resounding meh.
VC – Strong type – daddy or mommy, take your pick. I want someone with a spine and a set of balls (even if they’re just figurative).
Now google the same thing, but add 2006 – 2008.
oh look, it took you what? 2 minutes to find something when you actually looked for it…
what a shocker. An uninformed Obama hater. Imagine what you could learn if you pulled off your hate blinders….
maybe you two should meet at the library. You can have one of those community service meetings where you help out an old person learn how to use a computer.
The things I’ll do for my candidate! 😉
Yes, Donbitty, very intimidated by people who are smarter than I am. Good thing there’s no threat from you.
You’re absolutely right, nothing you will tell me will change my mind about him like nothing I will tell you about McCain will change your mind about him. There’s nothing wrong with that.
I only ask the questions because I simply don’t understand what Obama supporters see in him. I’m not asking anyone to convince me, I’m just asking you to help me understand your logic. The race shit is way off base. It’s as ridiculous to accuse me of not voting for him because he’s black as it would be for me to accuse you of not supporting Hillary because she’s a woman. You saw something you like in Obama. I didn’t see the same thing. It’s as simple as that.
Yeah, the 2006-2008 thing didn’t give me very positive results.
Donvitty – have you ever been in a library? 🙂
omg, it’s way late. I’m going to bed. It’s been fun getting you all riled up tonight. G’nite, John-Boy.
like nothing I will tell you about McCain will change your mind about him.
You see, I did a google and learned about McCain and have been paying attention the past few months (years) to know enough to form an opinion.
where you didn’t, you still know nothing, and can’t have your mind changed
I go about once a week. sometimes 2x’s with my daughters. I check out about 30 books a year.
Some of them aren’t even colored in, yet.
go to bed you
Hillary was like my wacky ex wife
McCain is like my grumpy Archie Bunkeresque Grandfathers (rest their souls)
Sarah is like the cutie down the hall in my co-ed dorm.
Joe is like my cool, but cerebral uncle.
And Obama (with Michele) is the guy raising kids, like me.
You can’t refute that.
you come here enough, you will be surprised at what some of these idiots refute
Watching you get unexpectedly screwed by your dream date…..priceless.
Looking forward to the next four years!
a miracle
Generational Perspective:
Hillary–as a woman-worked twice as hard for half the credit
McCain–my cool, but cerebral uncle who served as asked, never spoke about it, until PBS interview, when all of us kids (sons, daughters, nieces, nephews heard for the first time and were shocked!), a bit grumpy now–but we love him, and he was cool, and he did serve.
Sarah-mean girl down the hall, who always came out smellin’ like a rose
Joe-is like my cool, but cerebral uncle
And Obama (with Michele)–as a race-worked half as hard for twice the credit, in these affirmative action/PC times. Has embraced “yuppiedom”, to have 2 children to get off the “to do” list, but defers to childcare/”pre-pre-school programs”, to raise them–so they can continue their more self validating work in the career field.
I’m telling you gtg and others–this is the generational race to rival Kennedy/Nixon. It will be the doorbuster of a whole new era, defined by who the US is today. But don’t discount those yesteryear voters. Although, they discounted young and Catholic–it was their issue–and guess what? There is more of them today…they are living longer…and they vote. Just my sociological, anectdotal opinion. I tend to address head-on.
McCain never spoke about his service?! Jesus, he bragged like a frat boy who got doubled teamed by two strippers last night. Every fucking detail of his “service” story defined his entire public life. That’s a joke right. Seriously.
Joanne, your description of the Obama’s is extremely disappointing and nasty.
Portraying working parents as “trendy” demonstrates an out of touch attitude with today’s reality, and your comment about having children as something to cross off a “to do” list leaves me speechless.
The race baiting affirmative action comment is beneath you, as well. And if it isn’t, then I’m afraid I’ve misjudged you.
The Obama’s represent everything you republicans have been demanding of minorities for years.
And the idea that McCain doesn’t speak about his war record is laughable and ridiculously easy to disprove.
So disappointing…
“The Obama’s represent everything you republicans have been demanding of minorities for years. ”
Eloquence, yes.
Substance, no.
Way to get your stereotypes on, Joanne.
McCain has been working that POW thing for as long as I’ve been aware of him. It is the basis of his political career and is much of his discussion in his books.
And you should actually talk to a black person who has graduated from an Ivy League college about that working half as hard thing, you’ll be stunned at what you’ll find.
Resigned agreement and a liberal faculty?
Michelle & Barack Obama are both people who have worked very hard to achieve the American dream. Barack Obama is doing the ultimate patriotic duty – he’s running for president. It’s not an easy thing to do, to put yourself out there so jerkwads can sneer and smear. I have nothing but the utmost respect for them and for the other presidential candidates.
How dare people say that he isn’t worthy. He’s been running for office for 2 years. I’m calling it like it is – if you say that you don’t trust him or you don’t know him – it’s because of prejudice.
There are legitimate criticisms of Obama. His relative lack of experience, policy positions, his advisors and issues like that. Personal issues should play no part. We’re electing the President of the United States, not our new best friend or American Idol. We need serious considerations at a serious time. It’s disgusting that people denigrate his achievements because they don’t like him.
Joanne… we like chatting with you, but you are in Archie Bunker territory here, and elsewhere (as I recall other comments from you showing outdated views on welfare recipients).
Once your facts are updated, I suspect your natural compassion will lead you to the right place.
Black men in America, and women too I suppose, are taught that they have to work twice as hard to get to the same place as a white man. This is a cultural constant since Reconstruction. I see that in the black men and women I work with and know, and I see it in Obama.
Read the autobiography of Booker T. Washington someday.
Uh Oh–I run to Costco, and returned to this.
DeLib (w/ special concern to Pandora and cassandra whom I’ve met)
I took the bait. Throughout the threads, it has been repeatedly stated, “But I’m worried…”, “Why don’t you come out and say it”, “Just say it and be done…”, “we still have a ways to go..”
The gtg #88 post was the segue of the ENTIRE base of strategical fear, that I labeled “generational perspective”, that you very much have to fear, and stupid me addressed it. I perhaps, should have left it alone, let it still be the elephant in the room, and let the DeLib folks address this. Instead, I come back to the above retorts, and indictments. What I really expected, and obviously miscalculated; were more comments along the line:
You’re right Joanne, we can’t be complacent in thinking this is wrapped up because of YouTube, and feverish polls, college campuses etc.
Agreed Joanne, race and sex are the “edgy” factors this year, as were youth and religion in 1960.
And for the real observant reader…I expected someone to say…well that’s right, and Obama wins, because Joe comes across as everyone’s favorite fun, but cerebral uncle.
But this didn’t happen, and I am truly sorry. I took the bait. I know I cannot take back those words, and tensions are high now–but my actions, life’s work, and associations will remain as they always have….open, tolerant, and unapologetic–except when I’ve misfired. Forgive me. Please.
And one more thing–where is that chair or room you put MikeW in that I know I’m heading? And for how long?
Forget about it, Joanne. We’ve all written things that we rather we’d hadn’t. There are many times I’ve reread a comment of mine and thought, “that didn’t come out the way I wanted it to.”
No time-out for you!
Are you saying that you were kidding when you said Michelle Obama worked half as hard for twice the credit? The internet doesn’t do nuance too well, so perhaps you could make it more clear.
OK — if I go back and reread Joanne’s post as an explication of a certain generation’s reasoning, I see what you are saying. Definitely that is the way that some folks think (and some folks on this blog, even) and that thinking is still the big unknown in this election.
I read your post to really mean you when you talked about “my” so often. Sorry to have misread.
mike w must have chosen to leave on his own accord.
I just don’t have any idea what has happened to him. the comments seem to move along better even with the guy that keeps changing his name b/c he thinks he is cute