Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue – Banning the Trolls? Something to Consider

This makes sense:

“Steve Newton is upset that Delaware Liberal has some strident liberal voices – well, too bad and boo hoo. Stick to the Freepers and Redstate, then. Or go hang out with the DLC.

The problem with this site is not the strident liberals, no, the problem is that it allows bobble-head repubs, racists, and ditto heads to fire bomb the threads with their unsupported and unsupportable garbage. How many racist and insulting posts does Mike the Racist have to make before he is banned forever? How many “the one” or repub talking point lie posts does somebody get to make before they are banned?

When are the DL publisher going to realize that they don’t have to be the targets of racism, ridicule, hate, and divisiveness caused by many of the garbage posters here?

The right wingnut posters aren’t here to have their minds changed; they’re here to sabotage this site, control the threads, and destroy the possibility of high-level of liberal conversation. I don’t understand why the DL publishers don’t get this or act on it, if they do get it. The rightwing has plenty of megaphones – why do you let them have this one, too?”

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