Nobel Prize Winning Economist and Columnist Paul Krugman

Filed in National by on October 13, 2008

That will be Krugman’s newest title after he was awarded the Nobel Prize for economics today.  I have read many of his columns and the economists that I know hold him in high regard.  Krugman won the award for work on quantities of scale and its relationship to geography.

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  1. cassandra m says:

    Congratulations to Paul Krugman!

    The CW for Krugman had him on a perennial shortlist for the prize, but held back because of his public advocacy work at the NYT and in other publications. And this has got to be especially nice since Krugman consistently stood up to say that the Emperor Had No Clothes for many of the initiatives that got rolled past Congress after 9/11 — including the Iraq War.

  2. Raisa Heckle says:

    The Nobel Prize means so much less after they gave it to a climate change cheerleader.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    HaHa haaahahhaahhA!

    Like your opinion has any sway over the legitimacy of any Noble Prize!

    The Nobel Prize Presidency means so much less after they gave it to a climate change war coke YALE cheerleader.

  4. Nancy Willing says:

    I had the pleasure of meeting Krugman this summer in Philly. He is remarkable, as you might expect. He also whoops some Bushco ass.