21 Days Till The Election*

Filed in National by on October 14, 2008

* That is if I can count correctly.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. jason330 says:

    I’m very upbeat, but wary.

    Republicans are capable of anything. If the past 8 years teaches us anything it is that Republican antiAmericanism and lust for power knows no bounds.

  2. nemski says:

    McCain says he’s right where he wants to be, 10 points down. Geesh, he sounds like Andy Reid.

  3. Dorian Gray says:

    My pop said that watching Clemente was more exciting than watching Mays or Aaron. It was somewhat before my time. Can any geezers offer an opinion.

    (Sorry it’s off topic but you posted the photo.)

  4. Geezer says:

    Best RF arm ever. Routinely threw ropes from the wall to 3B on the fly — think Victorino but with longer range. He didn’t have the same kind of power as Mays or Aaron, and he wasn’t as fast as Mays, but he was a great natural hitter. If you look up his stats, remember that he played, especially in 1964-68, in the toughest hitting environment since the dead-ball era.

  5. RSmitty says:

    nemski, based on your comment, should we expect that when McCain loses (sorry, friends, he’s tanking), he will accept any and all blame, even when it’s incredibly obvious the blame spreads far and wide?

  6. pandora says:

    McCain doesn’t deserve all the blame. The Republicans are setting him up to take the fall, and he’s not helping with recent comments.

    Here’s something to consider. I actually miss Republicans – those called RINO. While I disagreed with them on many points, there was at least intelligent discussion and an honest thrashing out of issues. How can you argue with people whose strongest debating point is: God says so?

  7. RSmitty says:

    …God says so…

    You betcha! πŸ˜‰ (the wink is intentional)

  8. Nancy Willing says:

    McCain says he’s right where he wants to be, 10 points down. Geesh, he sounds like Andy Reid.
    thanks for that!

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    McCain doesn’t deserve all the blame, but he’s in charge of the campaign and he allowed it to get to this point.

    I hope we’ll get a real opposition party again – one with new ideas and leadership. They need to get rid of the xenophobia, racism and anti-intellectualism.

    I’m waiting for some Republican party leaders to come out more strongly against the McCain/Palin tactics. What I’ve seen has been pretty weak, and it’s mostly columnists who have said something. Romney – here’s your chance to stand as a leader of your party against Palin.

  10. anonone says:

    The entire repub party deserves all the blame for:
    Failed fiscal responsibility
    Failed economic policies
    Failed foreign policies
    Failure to protect and defend the Constitution
    Failure to protect the homeland
    Failure to protect the environment

    Mcinsane is just the headliner for all these failures.

  11. pandora says:

    Why aren’t more Republicans speaking out? I’m expecting more to come out by the end of the week… once the party finishes throwing McCain under the bus.

    Oh yeah, I’m sensing McCain is about to become the sacrificial lamb. Party leaders are turning their attention and money towards the House and Senate which leaves McCain all alone. Bet before all this is over Palin disses him as well. πŸ˜‰

  12. anonone says:

    Hey, UI,

    “I’m waiting for some Republican party leaders to come out more strongly against the McCain/Palin tactics.”

    I think you’ll be waiting a long time. There ain’t nobody in sight. Mittens? Please!

    Don’t forget that Mcinsane was viewed as a party “liberal.” You’re going to see the repubs move even farther toward the right wing theocrat base after they get shellacked in November.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    My dad’s favorite player.

  14. Unstable Isotope says:


    I hope you’re wrong but I fear you’re right. They should be doing it already. Even Obama’s good friend Lugar has been fairly quiet.

  15. A. Bundy says:

    “The entire repub party deserves all the blame for:
    Failed fiscal responsibility
    Failed economic policies”

    You are right. Dems deserve absolutely no blame for any of the economic problems facing the nation right now! The dems in Washington should not be called to task for any of the issues with which we are struggling.

    You are a brilliant, rational and reasonable thinker. You obviously do not only see things from one side, and for that you should be commended.

    Any logical person knows that both parties are not to blame for the current economic mess. Any intelligent person knows that this is a republic only creation and that the dems in the House and Senate had nothing to do with it. Anyone with half a brain knows that every dem in Washington is totally fiscally responsible etc.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    Bundy is finally coming around…

  17. anonone says:

    Wow, A. Bundy, I think you’ve got it!

  18. anonone says:


    Let them go about self-destructing quietly until after the election when they figure out what happened, but come up with their usual (wrong) ideas on how to fix it.

    Watch for a bunch of new repub retirements in the house as they realize their new lifetime-in-minority status.

  19. G Rex says:

    Roberto Clemente died in a plane crash, much before his time, and his body was never recovered. What are you trying to say about the Obama campaign?

  20. Von Cracker says:

    21 days left in the campaign and RC’s uni number is 21.

    I think you’re trying to read into something that’s not there, or you missed the reference.

    Tomorrow, Nemski can post a photo of Mike Schmidt.

  21. Dorian Gray says:

    My dad’s favorite non-Phillie was Eddie Matthews. Odd choice but you’ve meet my old man, so…

  22. Von Cracker says:

    That is odd.

    A Milwaukee Brave, I believe.

  23. Dorian Gray says:

    Actually he is the answer to a great trivia question. He was the only Boston, Milwaukee and Atlanta Brave. I thought it was Warren Spaun, but nope, it was Eddie Matthews.