Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue – What’s the line on the Paradee/Thornburg race?

Democrats outnumber Republicans by a 41 percent to 34 percent margin in the 29th, but 25 percent of the district’s nearly 16,000 voters are independent.

This reminds me a bit of the 9th Rd race (Cathcart/Walker). Thornburg is a bought and paid for corporate shill who opposed Blue Water Wind, but has provided good constituent services over the years.

Pardee is for real and has high name rec amoung long time district residents, but his strength might be in riding the Democratic tide among district newcomers. People say he is working his ass off door knocking, but unlike Walker he did not have the forsight to put the word “Democrat” on his signage.

Thornbug 51%
Pardee 48%

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