Comment Rescue – What’s the line on the Paradee/Thornburg race?

Filed in Delaware by on October 14, 2008

Democrats outnumber Republicans by a 41 percent to 34 percent margin in the 29th, but 25 percent of the district’s nearly 16,000 voters are independent.

This reminds me a bit of the 9th Rd race (Cathcart/Walker). Thornburg is a bought and paid for corporate shill who opposed Blue Water Wind, but has provided good constituent services over the years.

Pardee is for real and has high name rec amoung long time district residents, but his strength might be in riding the Democratic tide among district newcomers. People say he is working his ass off door knocking, but unlike Walker he did not have the forsight to put the word “Democrat” on his signage.

Thornbug 51%
Pardee 48%

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    I noted that Thornburg got a nice donation from one of the rapacious land/lease Emperors, who just can’t enjoy the holidays without taking advantage of senior citizens renting in the manufactured home communities. Leads me to believe she may be tied to the cabal of real estate water-carrier politicians who were swept out of office in Levy Court in 2006.

  2. Yes, I’ve got some stuff on Thornburg I’m in the midst of investigating. Hope to get her on for comment in a week or two.

  3. RSmitty says:

    So, Jason, if I should run for office down here, are you suggesting I put “Democrat” on my signage?

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t know about that Smitty, but there was a diary on Daily Kos yesterday about how national Republican candidates are no longer putting the word “Republican” on the campaign sites. The word “Independent” seems to have replaced it.

  5. RSmitty says:

    UI – That doesn’t surprise me at all. I actually hold in contempt the usage of party idenitification on signs…at least the prominent usage of it. I don’t like it, because there are still many people out there that use party as the sole criterion for selection and I think that is sad. There are indeed worthy candidates out there that don’t tow the party line, but if they are in the minority party of the area, the opposing candidate can do less to get elected simply by plopping their party on their sign.

    Then again, if someone casts a vote simply because they saw the party affiliation on a sign, they’d likely do the same in the voting booth.

    My preference? Get to know the people fighting for your vote. I’ve cast plenty of cross-party votes in my lifetime…yes, they were contested races, too.

  6. Geezer says:

    Dis: She’s also tied to Dover Downs. MM, ask her about the rizty trip to Miami for her and her mother that Dover Downs paid for a few years back.

  7. Arthur Downs says:

    Pam Thornberg is an acessible representative who has served the interests of her district well and should do so again.

    Can her moneyed opponent hope to win the election in a district where Obama Albatross is a heavy weight hanging on his neck?

  8. kavips says:


    It appears that in your above comment you accidentally placed an extra “ce” in your fifth word….

    🙂 lol

  9. Arthur Downs says:

    The election was a largely emotional event.

    I worked my polling place for Pam and noted that the Pardee workers were motivated by personal friendship rather than any issue. All expressed their disdain for Obama.

    It would be interesting to compare the cost per vote for each candidate. Pam did prevail.