Live Blog the WDEL Congressional Debate

Filed in National by on October 14, 2008

Anybody listening to this?

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. pandora says:

    Lonely? Just tuned in… news on now. Have I missed the debate?

  2. jason330 says:

    I missed most of it, we’ll see what Al says.

  3. pandora says:

    Al: “Hate to see KHN go the way of Mike Protack”


  4. jason330 says:

    The case against Castle is that he was not a “moderate” when it counted. For the past 8 years he has been a gutless coward.

    I don’t know how comfortable KHN is making that point.

  5. Raisa Heckle says:

    “For the past 8 years he has been a gutless coward.”

    Stellar intellectual exchange there, Jason. Can’t imagine how that could negatively affect the perceived tone around here.

  6. anonone says:

    I dunno. Carper beat Roth because he framed him as “likable but past his time”. I don’t think KHN has the time or credibility to make that case with Castle, and I don’t think the average Delaware voters want to hear that they have voted for a “gutless coward” all these years.

    KHN needed to make the point that Castle is not serving his constituents in ways that they thought he used to, and it is time to retire him and elect a new voice for Delaware.

    Unless Obama’s coattails are long enough for KHN, I am afraid she does not have the time or the political acumen to beat Castle by herself.

  7. jason330 says:

    anonone ,

    Good points. Gutless coward would probably not focus group test very well.


    I call ’em as I see ’em.

  8. P.I. says:

    I’m grateful KHN doesn’t have a snowball’s chance. That would be a most regrettable alternative to the known.

  9. anon says:

    Al Masscitti is going negative on Karen. Why? Because he knows nothing of the work she did on the VX nerve gas issue. Karen actually went to the Pentagon to discuss the issue with a Pentagon spokesperson who agreed the VX would not break up and should never be placed in our river.

    Karen was out on Blue Water wind before even most of you knew about it. She had met with them on several occasions and was talking about wind power in 2004. It was Karen working with them to find a suitable manufacturing facility for the turbines. She is still working to find an appropriate place on the River when a manufacturing facility can be established to create more jobs. And to PI you have been trashing KHN for months on the 3000 companies she visited over a year and a half. That is all documented in the records she kept for the Employment agency she worked for. Its a fact that Castle voted with Bush/McCain 83% of the time, its a fact he voted for the bailout, its a fact his contributors are 65% from the financial industry. And you think he is a moderate? He is an enabler of the worst degree.

    PI are you a supporter of Mike Castle posing as a democrat? or a liberal? Guess us all a break.

  10. Raisa Heckle says:

    “I call ‘em as I see ‘em.”

    Me too.

  11. Dana Garrett says:

    Here’s my question about KHN. If she is unsuccessful this this time at beating Castle, will she run again in 2010 or will she make room for a new challenger?

  12. jason330 says:

    That is actually a pretty good question. Karen seems to have a knack with winning Dem primaries – is that enough?

  13. The Liars Abound says:

    “Karen was out on Blue Water wind before even most of you knew about it. She had met with them on several occasions and was talking about wind power in 2004.”

    So what? She had no power, no votes to deliver, nothing. She doesn’t work in that field; indeed, she works in no field at all except finding jobs for temps. Whoop-de-do. Real high-level executive experience there.

    “It was Karen working with them to find a suitable manufacturing facility for the turbines.”

    Working how? Again, she has no standing. She represents nobody but herself. She can deliver nothing.

    “She is still working to find an appropriate place on the River when a manufacturing facility can be established to create more jobs.”

    Again, she has no standing at all. She’s delusional. Even if she finds one, she plays no role — she can’t bring anything to the table.

    “you have been trashing KHN for months on the 3000 companies she visited over a year and a half.”

    Not to sound like a broken record, but so what? Are you saying that she didn’t visit those employers in service to her employers but to gather information for her own race for Congress? Because if so, she also cheated her employers by pursuing her own agenda.

    KHN’s chances were poor enough. They’ve been destroyed by these lies.

    Why don’t you put your own name on these posts, Liz? Afraid everyone will realize exactly how full of it this campaign really is?

  14. jason330 says:

    Correction to my comment (13). She won this primary, but is second a second bite at the apple based on fusion.

  15. G Rex says:

    I heard some of it on my way to work this morning, and it was my first exposure to KHN. Wow is she dumb! Her economic plan? “We’ll save a lot of money when President Obama gets us out of Iraq, and I support him!” On dredging the shipping channel in the Delaware River? “Gee, I don’t have enough info on that, but I think New Jersey wants us to do it.” You guys are trying like hell to paint Sarah Palin as a dummy, but this lady has her beat by a mile.

  16. anon says:

    Grex: it is the Longshoremen who want to dredge the river. The environmentalists are opposed. Have you read any of the studies and the impact environmentally? No one “has enough” on that. The environmental studies are being gathered up from a variety of sources.

    What was Castle’s reponse to the question, you can bet your ass he doesn’t even know what that question was about because he is so out of touch with Delaware.

    And to Mascitti: you are very troubling Al. You give no person credit for any of their community work, unless they are an elected official~~ then they get credit.

    It is you Al who have no background on what activist citizens do behind the scenes, since you are never at any of these meetups. On the VX nerve gas thing….Karen actually went to the Pentagon while the Army was trying to bring that toxic poison to Delaware….and spoke to the people there. She met a woman who was adamantly opposed who actually worked at the Pentagon who gave her all the information we needed to fight the Army. I was at the hearing and testified Al, were you…No you are never at anything but sit back on your fat ass and make remarks. stuff it.

  17. anon says:

    To Al: Wake up! She was a candidate in opposition to Dennis Spivack in 2004. She spoke about Blue Water back then. Too bad you didn’t hear the debates or attend any of the forums. And Dana I think you know that fact as well.

  18. Al Mascitti says:

    Liz, you’re even more pathetic than Karen. Speaking is not doing. You are nothing if not proof of that. So she wanted Bluewater — so what? She had no power at all — let me make clear, none whatsoever — to accomplish anything she advocated for. Nothing. Nada. Just like you — lots of mouth, no effective action. With these latest lies, she’s about to join you as a statewide joke.

    She had no impact on either issue, and you cannot prove otherwise. I have spoken to literally dozens of people about Bluewater. Her name has never come up, not once. I did a great deal of reporting on VX. Not only has her name never been mentioned by anyone who worked on the issue, I know from unimpeachable sources she had nothing to do with it.

    The claims are not only lies, they are further proof that Karen Hartley-Nagle thinks of nothing beyond Karen Hartley-Nagle. They are despicable, and an insult to the people who really are responsible for pushing Bluewater through.

  19. anon says:

    Al: you are an insult to every good citizen/advocate/activist who has ever done anything. No one takes full credit when you work as group or an individual. You have so little knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes its pathetic.

    There are plenty who can attest to KHN’s work. It appears that WDEL is so thrilled with all that Castle radio ad money, which pays your salary Al, you have lost your ability to be fair or balanced. You have resorted to attacks which you have no knowledge of the background or the truth. You are despicable, big mouth with a microphone period.

  20. Al Mascitti says:

    Whereas you, Liz, are such a joke you can’t even use your real name anymore. Karen Hartley-Nagle did nothing to further either project. If you know that, you’re a liar. If you don’t, you’re a fool. Your choice.

    And I talked with people about both issues after the show. They can’t say so in public, because they’re good Democrats, but they assured me her claims are BS. As are yours.

    By the way, I have good relations with most legitimate activists — you know, the kind who actually accomplish things. As opposed to you.

    Why don’t you give us your self-aggrandizing resume again, Betty, just for laughs?

    And you are an excrescence. Look it up.

    These views do not represent the advertisers or management of Delmarva Broadcasting. I have to add that because, once again, you boo-hoo-hooed to my bosses about me showing the blogosphere what a fool you are. Despicable? That’s your face in the mirror again, dearie.

  21. Dominique says:

    Are you freaking kidding me? Did Liz really contact your employers because of your blog postings?!?! Is that why you disappeared for a while??? JFC, Liz. That’s completely unacceptable.