What We Will See Tonight

Filed in National by on October 15, 2008


h/t numerous websites, including but not limited to Daily Kos, Marc Ambinder at The Atlantic, Ezra Klein, Talking Points Memo.

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  1. nemski says:

    No mudslinging . . . known associates . . . . my friends . . . the other one . . . McCain is the Penguin!

  2. Rebecca says:

    Who’s Paulie Shore? Actually, I know who he is but I’ve never seen any of those movies. Gawd I’m old.

  3. delawaredem says:

    It’s funny, Rebecca, but I wanted another poll option: “All of them.”

  4. I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there.

  5. jason330 says:

    uncanny clip.

  6. Donsquishy says:

    wow…this is your best post ever πŸ™‚

  7. delawaredem says:

    It is everywhere Dave. Kos, Ezra Klein, TPM, Ambinder. It’s called a blogswarm.

  8. pandora says:

    Dave seems a little testy tonight.

  9. jason330 says:

    I’d feel the same way if my whole worldview turned out to be a big pile of bullshit.

  10. FSP says:

    “It is everywhere Dave. Kos, Ezra Klein, TPM, Ambinder. It’s called a blogswarm.”

    And with that long list, you couldn’t h/t one of them?

    And there ain’t nothin’ wrong with my worldview, but there’s no point even trying to go into it here in The Bubble.

  11. delawaredem says:

    LOL. The Bubble. That’s rich. The Bubble would describe a place out of touch with the news and reality. I think that might describe your place, and the Republican Party.

  12. pandora says:

    Someone’s bubble has burst.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    I like this blog post about what we will see after the debate.


    Time to git yer imaginary Bubba on.

  14. pandora says:

    Can’t get your link to work, LG.

    It works when I cut and paste. Great article, and sooo true.

  15. FSP says:

    “The Bubble would describe a place out of touch with the news and reality.”

    At least you’re being honest.

    But you know what? You’re right. That’s a misnomer.

    You will hereby be known as The Echo Chamber.

  16. delawaredem says:

    I love it how when conservatives hear a different voice, or a different opinion, from their own, they call it an echo chamber. You are just full or ironies today Dave. Explain to me again how we are an echo chamber when we have Hube, G Rex, Joanne Christian, Steve Newton, RSmitty, Dominique, and countless other people who cannot be called Liberals posting here. Sure, we will vehemently disagree with them and call them on their bullshit when necessary. But that is not an echo chamber.

    Dave, you are a purest example of a Rovian Republican. You decry the echo chamber, when it is what you really want, but with only your voice echoing.

  17. anonone says:

    Dave just hears “you’re wrong” echoing about him every where he goes. Because he is.

  18. nemski says:

    Dave, you are a purest example of a Rovian Republican. You decry the echo chamber, when it is what you really want, but with only your voice echoing.


  19. FSP says:

    “Explain to me again how we are an echo chamber”

    I do recall something about a real, honest conversation about banning people who disagree with you.

    “You decry the echo chamber, when it is what you really want, but with only your voice echoing.”

    Yeah, that’s why I started an Internet radio station with everything I own on the line and then ran out and hired 5 liberals to be on the air.

    Who’s out of touch with reality again?

  20. jason330 says:





  21. FSP says:

    See, comedy works. That’s more like it.

    It’s DD’s extreme confidence, even when he’s on the other side of the planet from reality, that makes it so enjoyable to point out his errors.

  22. cassandra_m says:

    You are out of touch with reality when you would characterize a thread about banning people misbehaving as banning people who disagree with you.

    It was you, right, who banned Dana Garrett for some time, I think — because he disagreed with you, yes?

  23. FSP says:

    No. I banned Dana because it got very personal and he was on a confessed mission at the time to destroy me. A wee bit different than the referenced thread, where while you were holding the line on ensuring a debate, your comrades were saying otherwise.

  24. FSP says:

    And by the way, I’m out of touch?

    DD gets all high and mighty, even referencing the Rovian tag, and he couldn’t be more wrong. No mention of that, cassandra?

  25. cassandra_m says:

    Sounds very much like a Bubble to me, enforcing some arbitrary standard of contribution. No matter how disruptive or threatening it might get.

    And my comrades — those who have the moderation keys at any rate — agree with we very much want debate. There is certain behavior by a small few that is not going to further than.

  26. FSP says:

    As long as I have noman and Perry, I can never be accused of being a Bubble. Of course, there’s Smitty’s declaration of moderate independence and my criticisms of McCain and Palin, too. So that dog won’t hunt.

    And if you’re trying to tell me that you didn’t have to do a sell job in the comments of that post to convince your gang to resist censorship, then there’s no point continuing to talk about it.

  27. cassandra_m says:

    If DD is wrong you can take it up with him. Asking the liberal girls to defend you is not a winning strategy here. But, DD isn’t threatening to ban you or moderate you.

  28. cassandra_m says:

    There was no sell job. I just said what I thought. If the rest of the crew here wanted to disagree they would have piped right up. No one here is shy, you know.

    And by your standards, as long as we have you and Smitty and all of our wingnut commenters, we can’t be a Bubble, either.

  29. FSP says:

    Well, I thank you for your graciousness in allowing us to visit and your staunch defense of our ability to comment.

  30. cassandra_m says:

    Now get your ass over to liveblogging.


  31. MJ says:

    I’m actually old enough to remember when this episode first aired. But the best criminal was Tallulah Bankhead as The Black Widow, dragging around her $30,000 mink coats on the floor behind her.