Delaware Liberal

Disposal Cars

Even when McCain tries to tell a nice little story meant to humanize him and his family, he reveals his elitism and uber wealthy background that is out of touch with everyday America:

Presidential candidate John McCain has taken a lot of criticism from his Democratic opponent about the number of houses and foreign cars he owns. But that didn’t stop the Republican from telling a story Thursday in Downingtown, Pa., about his 96-year-old mother, Roberta McCain, and her car experience overseas.

“Two Christmases ago, my mother wanted to drive around in France,” he told the crowd. “She wanted to rent a car, but they told her she was too old. So she bought a car.”

The McCain family is so freaking rich that his mother could just buy a car in a foreign country and leave it there like a disposal camera after she is finished using it.    Add that to the fact that not many middle class American families can now celebrate Christmas in France.

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