The stunning revelations she makes when she breaks away from the message that the McCain campaign tries to get her to stick to are mind boggling. When this women ad libs they are the opposite of the smart-bombs she thinks she is lobbing to her audience and Obama. They are trying to craft her as a maverick that doesn’t follow the rules and go as far as to lie to the media that she is breaking away from message and talking straight.
It really is so bizarre. They are trying to twist her negative into a positive and it can’t be working. They are trying to make us believe she knows how to play chess when it is clear she doesn’t even know the pieces on the board.
She really is a dangerous person. Her miopic view of the world, her world, is eerily similar to Bush’s view, but I dare say, Bush I think isn’t as dumb as Palin is.
More absurdity:
At a fundraiser in Canton, Ohio, this evening, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin had an interesting description of her speech to the Republican convention. “There Ohio was right out in front, right in front of me,” Palin said. “The teleprompter got messed up, I couldn’t follow it, and I just decided I’d just talk to the people in front of me. It was Ohio.”
Is this true? Again, the strangeness of this lie is that it’s easily rebutted by the record:
Is this true? Again, the strangeness of this lie is that it’s easily rebutted by the record:
McCain-Palin campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds says no, and disputes any notion that Palin was implying that she ad-libbed the speech by saying she “couldn’t follow it” on the teleprompter, so she “just decided I’d just talk to the people in front of me.” McCain-Palin spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker says, “She was off the prompter at points.”
Her convention speech followed the script perfectly. Tapper adds:
I should note that, after Palin’s speech, some conservative bloggers reported that sources close to McCain had told them that the teleprompter had broken and Palin “winged it.” “The teleprompter did not break,” wrote Politico’s Jonathan Martin. “Sarah Palin delivered a powerful speech last night, but she did not ‘wing it’…”
Bu she’s still repeating the lie.
What does it say about McCain’s Judgement that he thought/felt Palin was a good fit even though she believes in the end of days, the earth is 6000 years old and practically failed out of college…