Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue: KWS says she does not work at Lowe’s.

From Miscreant:

Delaware Talk Radio’s Maria Evans called Weldin-Stewart to invite her on the show. During the course of the conversation she asked her if she worked at Lowes. After dancing around the issue for a while, Stewart said she was on leave from her government job, and that she did not work at Lowes.

Evans speculated that it may have been a case of mistaken identity because the picture she uses on her web site is probably ten years old.

Like other commenters in the thread, I don’t understand the hesitancy of her answer.  It would seem to me to be a simple yes or no question.  Do you work at Lowe’s?  No.  Ok, case solved.   But, regardless, KWS has denied it.  I just can’t believe she would be lying, since Delaware is a very small state and I or anyone could find out pretty easily by staking out the only Lowe’s that I know of in Northern New Castle County (i.e. where Karen lives), located in the Brandywine Towncenter at the corner of Naamans Road and Route 202.    Not that working at Lowe’s to make some money while she is on sabbitical from her government job during the campaign is a negative thing.   The LCR email made it sound like all KWS ever did in life is work for Lowe’s, and we do know that is a malicious lie.   Karen does have experience in the insurance industry, working with the Utah and Texas insurance departments as well as with the Delaware Insurance Department and the General Assembly.    It is without a doubt that she is qualified for the job.  

But I digress.   This irrelevant attack from an outside Republican organization can cease.  Indeed, I would expect John Brady to denounce the national Log Cabin Republican organization publically, or at the very least send a response out to those who received the LCR email denouncing the attack.   His campaign manager, Suzanne Schwarz, seems to indicate in a comment on this site that John had nothing to do with the email, and indeed did not approve of the attack.  Well, fight for me big guy, and denounce the LCR email publically.

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