Delaware Liberal

I’m Shocked, Shocked

to find that they’re playing the Rev. Wright card in here!

Somebody please tell Rick Davis to stop treating all of us like McCain’s likely voters. We’ve never been so dumb as to have ever believed McCain in the first place that Wright was off of the table. But I guess that is why David made this announcement over at Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. And their excuse is clown-show worthy: Since John Lewis thinks we’re racists, we’ll give him actual evidence. That’ll show everybody!

Somebody please explain how this counts as Country First?

The McCain campaign is already bottom-feeding and his campaign manager announces that there just isn’t enough sleaze and they are looking for new depths. I wish that the lament here was just about the epic flailing of the McCain people, but it also includes those who are delighted to just believe the BS.

ps. See the ever awesome John Cole for more.

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