McCain Accidentally Tells the Truth.

Filed in National by on October 22, 2008

This is just hillarious.  Of course, McCain is counting on the racism of rednecks to win.   Recently, Rep. Jack Murtha (D), on two occassions, said his constituents are racists or rednecks.  Whether they are or not, that is something you don’t want to say about your own voters two weeks before an election.   Hopefully they will vote Murtha out this time because of it. 

Regardless, Murtha’s comments give John McCain an opening to appeal to Western Pennsylvanians.   And he needed that opening, because the McCain campaign has placed all their chips on PA, after withdrawing from  New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and Colorado.    Pennsylvania is a must win for him now.  


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  1. jason330 says:

    Oh My.

    The “No wheeles, leaking oil, engine on fire Express!!”

  2. delawaredem says:

    The campaign is literally going down in flames today. First the “Palin/150 K” scandal, then the Palin “VP in charge of Senate” scandal, then the Palin “Charged Kids’ Travel Expenses to Taxpayers” scandal, then Al Queda endorses McCain, then this, added to horrible poll numbers everywhere (Fox News just released a poll confirming NBC/WSJ and Pew, showing Obama up 49-40).

    The fat lady is coming onto the stage.

  3. nemski says:

    That was a Bushism if I am not mistaken.

  4. pandora says:

    Whatever it was it was painful to watch. Think McCain is going for the sympathy vote?

    What a mess.

  5. pandora says:

    Well… since we’re piling on, I thought everyone might enjoy this video.

    Some words just slide off the tongue.

  6. delawaredem says:

    And that makes me believe 100% the Slate story about McCain calling his wife a c**t during the 2000 campaign.

  7. anonone says:

    It is well known that he says it many time a day, like every time he says “C**ntry”.

  8. Billy Joe Bob Dick Trickle Sherman says:

    Isn’t an election what ya get when you take dat dere Viagra?