Delaware Liberal

UPDATED: Open Letter To Allan Loudell

UPDATE: Allan responded to my assholery and I don’t know how to respond to the response because he is such a fricking decent human being. (Damn you Loudell!)

It occurs to me that when I call out media types like Allan I don’t think that I’m calling out actual humans but a corrupt system. And is a hell of a lot easier to be an a-hole to a a corrupt system than it is to be a-hole to a fellow human. This insight will influence my behavoir for a few days until I forget about it again.

Dear Allan,

I heard you teasing the “News at Noon” this morning on my drive to work and I’d be curious to know your motivations for pumping up the non-story about how the GOP is trying to get some mileage out of a cropped Joe Biden quote – after which you flatly state that a real news story about Sarah Palin is a “tempest in a teapot.”

Are you trying to appeal to Rick Jensen’s moronic listenership? Do you have orders from Delmarva Broadcasting to help promote GOP spin?

As an occasional WDEL listener and advertiser, I am eager to know what factors shape your editorial decisions. Since this morning’s tease dealt with both the Republican and Democratic candidates for Vice President it provides a clear “apples to apples” view of WDEL’s editorial slant and serves as clear evidence that WDEL has a strong conservative bias. Any insight you might have into how that bias works its way into your “news” reporting would be most welcome.



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