Deep Thought
When the loser of an election comes out and gives some some biolerplate speech about “how the strength of the American system is our ability to transfer power peacfull and….we may disagree on policy but we are all Americans” – I used to think that was so much jibbity-jabber.
Now I realize that is an important part of the whole deal.
That whole “peaceful transfer of power” is pretty important to the U.S. still being intact. I think Washington was maybe the first national leader in world history to hand over power peacefully to a successor other than one handpicked by the outgoing leader.
What we have is not perfect by a longshot,but it beats the hell out of periodic coups and repeated civil wars. When monarchies and miltary leaders engage in armed conflict, the civilian population often pays the price in sacrifices that are disproportionate to whatever the longterm perceived gains might be.
Your view that Washington was the first is pretty ethnocentric: Prime Ministers had been handing over power in England, for the most part quite peacefully, for decades even centuries in England before George
This is why the symbolism of the opposing candidates riding in carriages together in the Return Day Parade is so powerful. It allows the candidates to acknowledge each other as good decent human beings. Likewise, the literal burying of the hatchet really does seem to mark an end to whatever ugliness took place during the campaigns. So do you think Barack and Joe will show up in Georgetown this year on November 6th?
They will be busy, I’m pretty sure.
But you are right about Return Day. Until recently I thought of it as pure bullshit.
I wish they’d do the “memento mori” thing with Presidents.
Bury the hatchet? I think 2008 will be :
Bury Palin
Bury Ayers
Officiant: Rev. Wright
I’ll let DeLib decide pallbearers, soloist, eulogist etc.
What fun…
It would be cool if Obama, Biden, McCain, and Palin all showed up to make Delaware’s Return Day a national showcase. But unlikely.
I don’t know if 24hr. passes are granted so soon after commitment.
Unless there is brush to clear…