Live Blogging: John Clatworthy Tele-Forum
Just finishing up dinner and the phone rings. It’s John Clatworthy. I’ll listen so you don’t have.
7:10 – John Clathworthy sets up the call.
7:11 – Delaware is sliding to mediocrity: schools, state spending, roads, Psychiatric Hospital. He’s dad grew up in government housing(?). Went to Regent University.
7:13 – The Clat says he can grow jobs.
7:15 – The Clat works with the guilty, the Republican Party. 😉
7:16 – The Clat’s ideas spell out DELAWARE. Thank goodness he didn’t live in PENNSYLVANIA.
7:17 – The Clat is for open government. Who isn’t?
7:19 – The Clat is for choice. Our test scores are low; apparently our students suck. The Clat wants to get rid of problem kids, put them in an alternate track.
7:20 – Limit spending. The growth is out of control.
7:20 – First caller is Jacob who doesn’t ask a question. Apparently he is star struck.
7:21 – Second caller is Antoinette. Silence again. This is great.
7:23 – Come on third caller. Let’s hear something.
7:24 – Jacob’s back. Obama will be a total disaster. Taxing is not the answer. The Clat says taxing kills small businesses. The Clat doesn’t like the Gross Receipt tax and the Prevailing Wage Law.
7:26 – We need great schools. Delaware has a bad reputation for it schools. When are we going to stop saying this. Jacob’s kids go to Brandywine School District and its a disaster. Jacob doesn’t like black people, I mean busing. Will The Clat call him out? I doubt it.
7:29 – Jacob says The Clat sounds great and he’ll probably vote for him. No shit.
7:30 – Ellen is on the line. Dr. Frasier is listening.
7:31 – Gross Receipt Tax question. The Clat doesn’t want to raise taxes and fees. Small business passes tax increases on to the consumer. Where is small business’ patriotism? 😉
7:32 – The Clat says open space is critical. So far, everything has been critical. It’s kind of odd.
7:33 – liberalgeek, you really didn’t say how horrible these tele-forums were? I want to rip my ears off.
7:36 – Sean says teachers are extremely underpaid. He says that the many school districts adds competitive salaries to teacher. Interesting.
7:38 – Aileen asks where do we cut government jobs and spending? The Clat says the gov’t has grown over the last 12 years. The County has stopped hiring, but so did the State, didn’t they? The Clat signed his own Tax Payer’s Bill of Rights. BTW, this is critical.
7:40 – Aileen doesn’t like “political-correctness people” in the bureaucracy of our schools. I’m confused.
7:43 – Curt calls in and he doesn’t like jobs being sent overseas. If the jobs don’t leave, maybe our tax base will grow. Curt has an interesting thought and he is a union man. Curt likes the progressive tax rates. This should be good.
7:45 – The Clat responds with healthcare costs and he doesn’t want to raise taxes. The Clat misses the point of Curt’s call. Back to Gross Receipt Tax. Begin Investment Tax Credits. Apparently, Curt is still going to be taxed, probably cause he is a union man.
7:48 – Curt wants American jobs back in America. I like Curt. I don’t like The Clat.
7:49 – Poll Question: Do you think it is a good idea to post gov’t expenditures on the web? Yes or no. Dumbest poll question ever.
7:50 – Just as I was about to hang up, The Clat brings up illegal immigration. This should be good.
7:51 – This is such a hot topic of the now defunct Republican Party. I’m about to get sick.
7:52 – The Clat says will stop before the Phils game. For some reason he is rooting for the Rays. That’s weird. 😉
7:54 – The Clat says that It’s critical that we invest in our children.
7:55 – If everything is critical, how will The Clat get anything done?
7:56 – Apparently everyone wants to post gov’t expenditures on the web. Wow.
7:57 – Call is winding down.
7:58 – The Clat will follow in Charlie Copeland’s footsteps.
7:59 – Calls over. I need to shower.
Tags: 2006 Election, John Clatworthy
If you folks would like to know how to grow jobs and get us out of this mess go to Huffington post GREEN and look up What would FDR and Teddy would do and look at the results of FDR’s plan and todays 700 billion dollar bail out of the banks
You are doing Skydad’s work, nemski….
How did you get on that call?!?!? Since he won’t come on my show, I should call in and do the interview that way!
LOL. My mother-in-law is a Republican.
A primer on prevailing wage below.
Union supporters of Davis-Bacon point to a 2002 case known as “Brazier Construction vs. Elaine Chao, Secretary of the Department of Labor.” In it, Judge William B. Bryant rejected that Davis-Bacon was a Jim Crow law. He stated: “Americans of all races were in need of aid from the government during the Great Depression. Congress enacted the DBA (Davis Bacon Act) to assure workers a fair wage, provide local contractors a fair opportunity to compete for local government contracts and to preserve its own ability to distribute employment and federal money equitably through public works projects.” With the claim rejected, the plaintiffs did not appeal. Despite notable attempts to repeal the Davis-Bacon Act, the law for the most part continues to enjoy often bi-partisan local support across the nation.
For the record… everytime you typed the Clat, I kep reading the Clap… and thought how appropriate! Then I re-read it and realized my pseudo dyslexia had kicked in… nice job either way!
Would this be called spreading the wealth
You guys were right on the Clat. NASTY whacker.