Delaware Liberal


What does distribution of WEALTH mean to you?

I’m so tired of people and their either feigned stupidity or sincere ignorance. I don’t get why people can’t understand a simple concept. I think people seem to get hung up on the term WEALTH and think of it as INCOME. IT IS NOT. They are 2 different things. So when a candidate says spread the wealth around which is the same thing as saying distribute why on earth would people go all apeshit? Why? What is the reason? Why is distributing the WEALTH around a bad thing? Did I miss something with Joe the Knucklehead? Did Obama say distribute income? Did he say he was going to take your income? Did he say he was going to go all commie on your ass and say that you, you as a plumber can make x, and you as a banker can make y?

It is so frustrating to watch these idiots argue for the rich. What the hell have they been reading over the course of the past 8 years, hell 20 years that has shown the current way we spread the wealth works for them? I just don’t get it. I really don’t. CEO’s are making 50,000,000.00 a year. A YEAR and here are idiot unlicensed plumbers that owe taxes, taking UP THE CEO’s cause? WTF? How do these people get swayed so easily? Have they seen a chart of the distribution of WEALTH in this country? Have they taken the time to understand what Wealth is?

It is like they don’t know what a democracy is.  They intertwine Capitalism with Democracy as if the 2 are interchangeable.  One allows the other to happen and it isn’t capitalism that allows democracy to happen.  It is bizzare to me that people go all apeshit over certain taxes, like the capital gains tax.  People are so clueless.  They just don’t get it.  They don’t realize who would benefit from cutting this tax.  They don’t grasp the concept that eliminating the “death tax” only helps certain people.  GOD why are people so dumb?

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