The NJ Endorsement of Castle was Designed to Drive Me Nuts

Filed in Delaware by on October 27, 2008

From the headline on it is just a bunch of flat out lies and bullshit.

Mike Castle’s moderate pragmatism is working for Delaware in Congress

Really? I guess the economy in the toilet is a good thing. I didn’t get that memo. Also, what moderate pragmatism? Has enyone at the News Journal EVER looked at Castle’s voting record? I doubt it.

U.S. Rep. Michael N. Castle, who is seeking re-election to Congress, has some important draft legislation pending the outcome Nov. 4.

Okay. He has sucked ass for 8 years but he is going to start turning it on now. We promise!

As a rare Republican moderate, he is influential as a centrist negotiator on amending the No Child Left Behind education law, energy and the environment, and now structuring the government bailout of failing financial institutions.

Oh yeah! those centerists skills were a huge help passing “No Child Left Behind” debacle and all of Bush’s energy and evironmental policies. Way to go Mike!!

Mr. Castle’s pragmatic and principled willingness to get beyond partisanship may make his role tough in Washington, but he remains popular in Delaware.

Tough? Yes. It is tough voting against the President when the ourtcome is not in doubt and voting WITH Bush ever time the vote is close. That is a tough balancing act Castle is great at.

He deserves a ninth term in the U.S. House of Representatives.

He deserves a gold watch and a rocking chair.

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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. Plebe says:

    You really f.cking hate old people, don’t you J?

  2. jason330 says:

    Old people named Mike Castle? Yes.

  3. pandora says:

    Seems that Mike Castle and McCain have benefited from the same undeserved labels. We’ve ripped McCain’s off, what will it take to do the same to Castle’s?

  4. Plebe says:

    “Old people named Mike Castle? Yes.”

    Whatever. That doesn’t fully mask the sneer you have when it comes to politicians of a certain age. You play it up fully, with 100% disrespect and hate.

    If it’s any consolation, I really hate fat white guys, but I’m not sure if I hated them first and you fit the bill, or if I hated you first and now you all look alike.

  5. jason330 says:

    Top 8 “Mike Castle and John McCain are so old” jokes.

    8 ) Mike Castle and John McCain are so old, they think the phonograph is the work of the devil.

    7) Mike Castle and John McCain are so old, they took turns driving Ms. Daisy.

    6) Mike Castle and John McCain are so old, they both try to be the first to yell “steam shovel!” when they see a backhoe.

    5) Mike Castle and John McCain are so old, they remember what the best thing was befor sliced bread.

    4) Mike Castle and John McCain are so old, when they were in history class they talked about the prior week.

    3) Mike Castle and John McCain are so old, their social security numbers are 9 and 14

    2) Mike Castle and John McCain are so old, they watch PBS.

    1) Mike Castle and John McCain are so old, the key on Ben Franklin’s kite was to an apartment they shared in Philly.

  6. Liz says:

    Mike Castles donor/contributor list should give every Delawarean pause. Lehman Brothers, and other financial institutions he was “supposed to be regulating” contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to make sure Mike keeps working for Corporate Delaware.

    Anyone who thinks Castle is a moderate must be so far to the right they are off the charts. His perception as a moderate flies in the face of his voting record. His refusal to sign the Credit Card reform act, his belief that “tweaking” Every Child Left Behind is an answer, his environmental record? Where was here during the firestorm over Blue Water Wind? Why is he opposed to ending Delaware as “right to work state”? He voted for the war’S, voted for every resolution that would keep this war going?

    Obama/Biden don’t need Castle in Congress to build “a filibuster” against the new direction they/we want in this country. Name one thing that Castle has done for the citizens of this State, he has always been in the pocket of corporate america even while serving as Governor! Time for Mike to retire, pick up his watch and head for million dollar Sandcastle in Sussex.

  7. anon says:

    and now structuring the government bailout of failing financial institutions.

    And thank you, Congressman Castle, for making that bailout necessary.

    Go retire on government beach sand in Bethany.

    Would it be too much to hope for a picture of John McCain, Mike Castle, and Bill Lee all in the same photograph?

  8. Tom S. says:

    Give me a pro-life dem and you’ll have my vote (not that Castle has ever had it)

  9. The ‘adorable! monster speaks. UGH.

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m pro-life, that’s why I’m pro-choice.

  11. Mike Protack says:

    The National Journal which is much more authoritative then the News Journal had Rep. Castle as 53% conservative voting and 47% liberal.

    Thought you might want the facts.

  12. Liz says:

    Oh thanks Mike for quoting from the National Journal, another conservative paper. If you check his actual voting record he voted with Bush/McCain 87% of the time. Perhaps you buy the Rick Jenson version that George War Bush is really a liberal!

    I noticed you didnt discuss his contributors/donors! Lehman Brothers $650,000….maybe Mike should quit while he’s ahead especially in light of fact his total support of the credit card companies prevent citizens from declaring credit card debt in bankruptcy.

    Voting against equal pay for women! Think the NJ would print any of the letters to the editor that laid out those FACTS! Nope they refuse to print them. Who doesn’t know the NJ is a republican newspaper who has been protecting corporate Delaware for…forever! Remember when the paper was sent to the dupont company before it went to print?

  13. anon says:

    This thread seems as relevant as any … I thought it was worthy of note that Gannett, the publisher of the News Journal, is laying off 10 percent of its newspaper workforce by December. Exact details will undoubtedly be trickling out over the next while. So look for less local news in Delaware’s only statewide newspaper.

    Newspapers are kind of like the canary in the coal mine, folks. They feel it first because a business will cut its advertising before it cuts its employees. But if things don’t get better soon…

    Details at

  14. anon says:

    Oh, before I forget…

    Dear Liz:

    You’re a nutcase. How the heck do you categorize the party politics of a newspaper? By its editorials? It’s endorsed a heck of a lot of Democrats this year. By its columnists, almost uniformly bleeding hearts? By the political registration of its news staff? By the placement of its advertisements?