Deep Thought: Everything is Relative

Filed in National by on October 28, 2008

Who would have predicted eight years ago that an American attack within Syria would not be considered a big deal?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSmitty says:

    Maybe that was supposed to be the October surprise??? Imagine that, political planning failed yet again.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m actually surprised this isn’t getting more attention.

  3. h. says:

    It might not be a big deal yet. Stay tuned.

  4. h. says:

    Wait!! The MSM is purposely supressing the story. Another left wing media conspiracy.

  5. G Rex says:

    No room for it on the front page, apparently the cost of Sarah Palin’s wardrobe is more important to the electorate.

  6. anonone says:

    No, Bush and Cheney wouldn’t try to influence an election using the national security apparatus of the United States, would they?

  7. Steve Newton says:

    How does this attack differ from the equally illegal attacks we’ve been launching across the Pakistani border for months?

    Or the attacks within Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine made by the Israelis that we have consistently supported for … decades?

    After all, it was only the determination that we had a “high value target” in site thanks to actionable intelligence and the government there would not cooperate.

    We’ll see more of this sort of thing over the next four years no matter who wins on November 4.

  8. Kilroy says:

    The attack was to undermine the Iraqi government who doesn’t want to renew the security agreement on the U.S. terms. Pretty much what the U.S. attack did was to incite riot among the terrorist. This was a CIA Special Forces backed attacked and Bush gave the green light! This move undermines our mission in Iraq to bring security to Iraq and has further extended the aggression of George Bush. The plans for attack was unknown the Iraqi government. So now the Syrians will view of Iraqi government is as one with the U.S. The U.S. the world police now wants to be bounty hunter cross borders of any county it wishes! God help is McCain gets in their and has a flash back in the middle of the night! God bless our troops but God dam Bush!

    It really sucks the legitimate government of Iraq want us to leave and Bush is playing games to raise further tension is the region.

  9. Duffy says:

    The fact that this was done in broad daylight means it was a message to Syria. “We can hit you whenever we want so no more harboring al-Qaeda.”

    Locals also reported they (SOF) took two men with them when they left.

  10. h. says:

    Kilroy, I guess it was ok that Syria allowed terrorists to be funneled into Iraq?

  11. Steve Newton says:

    Funny how that works. We stage an attack after we claim to have cut infiltration through Syria by 50% or more over the past several months.

    This whole set-up requires me to believe that:

    1) We haven’t conducted spec ops recon or snatch-and-grabs into Syria before (which is exceptionally doubtful); also that

    2) We’ve either been running sufficient predator drones through Syrian airspace or have enough humint capability on the ground there to identify a high value target who just happens to be that close to the border

    Beginning to get a bit difficult to buy

  12. Kilroy says:

    “Kilroy, I guess it was ok that Syria allowed terrorists to be funneled into Iraq?”

    Syria allowed? Dam then we should have bombed Damascus. Well if that was the “funnel” region which it’s not then certainly the terrorist would be sitting ducks.
    We have all this amazing technology and we can’t control one road cross the border with Syria? So if I oppose Bush from playing Rambo going into any country he wants then I am not a patriotic American?

    The Iraqi government wants us out and doesn’t want to sign the security agreement on American terms! Are you in favor of tell them too bad we’re here and we own you?

  13. Dana says:

    The mainstream media hasn’t covered this more thoroughly because

    a- They know nothing other than the election campaign;
    2- Foreign policy bores Americans;
    c- Reporters themselves understand so little about foreign policy, which for many of them includes dealing with anything outside of urban areas, even if that means Kansas;
    e- There wasn’t room on the front page; The Philadelphia Inquirer had it on page A-2; and
    1- The operation was a success for the Bush Administration.

    Though the editors at the Delaware Liberal don’t like to admit it, most Americans are perfectly happy with us killing or capturing al Qaeda leaders.