Delaware Liberal

The Conservative Brief for Voting for Obama

This comes from Andrew Sullivan who has been one of the top 10 Cheerleaders for Obama for quite some time now. What struck me about Sullivan’s list is that the conservatives around me who intend to vote for Obama have a few of these very reasons. I shouldn’t have thought of them as being unique, but I did. We all seem to think of Republicans who would vote for Obama as worn down and out of choices, when, in fact, there are many — like Sullivan — whose decisions are energized by the possibilities of an Obama administration and not a dispirited lesser of two evils pick. Like Andrew, they are choosing Obama for reasons that don’t offend their conservative sensibilities, but are free of the doctrinaire adherence to the requirements of the Christian Nationalist and nonconservative wings of the party. Bravo, Andrew. Bravo to all of my republican friends and co-workers who recognize themselves here. Here are a few items (but go see the whole thing!):

[…]9. Less debt. Yes, Obama will raise taxes on those earning over a quarter of a million. And he will spend on healthcare, Iraq, Afghanistan and the environment. But so will McCain. He plans more spending on health, the environment and won’t touch defense of entitlements. And his refusal to touch taxes means an extra $4 trillion in debt over the massive increase presided over by Bush. And the CBO estimates that McCain’s plans will add more to the debt over four years than Obama’s. Fiscal conservatives have a clear choice.

8. A return to realism and prudence in foreign policy. Obama has consistently cited the foreign policy of George H. W. Bush as his inspiration. McCain’s knee-jerk reaction to the Georgian conflict, his commitment to stay in Iraq indefinitely, and his brinksmanship over Iran’s nuclear ambitions make him a far riskier choice for conservatives. The choice between Obama and McCain is like the choice between George H.W. Bush’s first term and George W.’s.

7. An ability to understand the difference between listening to generals and delegating foreign policy to them.

6. Temperament. Obama has the coolest, calmest demeanor of any president since Eisenhower. Conservatism values that kind of constancy, especially compared with the hot-headed, irrational impulsiveness of McCain.

[…]4. A truce in the culture war. Obama takes us past the debilitating boomer warfare that has raged since the 1960s. Nothing has distorted our politics so gravely; nothing has made a rational politics more elusive.

3. Two words: President Palin.

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