Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue: Tom Carper in Charge? …Nah.

Great comment from anon:

The good news is that Lieberman will likely lose his chairmanship of the Homeland Security Committed.

The bad news:
Torturin’ Tom – or is it Peeping Tom in honor of his FISA vote – is in line to chair the Homeland Security committee.

Oh well, three steps forward, two steps back.

Here is Carper showing some Lieberlove (mind you, this quote is AFTER Lieberman has spoken at RNC and endorsed McCain):

Carper declined to say whether he would pursue the post. “For now, my hope is that he will remain the committee chairman,” he said of Lieberman.

Yes, he loves him some Lieberman, but I think he might be hesitant in another way.

I don’t think Tom Carper would much like the national attention that the Homeland Chairmanship would bring. Carper likes his little back scratching set up with corporations the way it is. He is not the type to let ego get in the way of doing business.

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