Jason is Sooooooo Silly. Republicans would never cheat with rigged voting machines.

Filed in National by on October 29, 2008

It is probably just a fluke that this touch screen voting machine refuses to register a vote for Obama.


– via kos.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSmitty says:

    J – Consult with the book. Ask it, “WWOD?”

    (inside joke)

  2. The machine is out of calibration. Touch screens need to be calibrated, and sometimes the calibration is imperfect. It is a very poor way to design a voting machine, and could lead to alot of mis-votes.

    But it’s not an Obama thing, as you imply. He tried voting all Republican in the end, after the calibration, and it registered a vote for Baldwin.

    This video was showing a broken machine in operation, not a supposed working machine.

  3. jason330 says:

    Odd how all the attempts to vote for Obama failed. Odd how at 1:33 in he tried to vote straight Demcractic and it registered for John McCain and then voted straight Republican and it registered for John McCain.

    Odd that.

  4. RSmitty says:

    Consult the book, J.

  5. h. says:

    Paranoia sets in.

  6. Donsquishy says:

    just bang on the side of the machine like your old tv at grandmoms if all else fails

  7. cassandra m says:

    It is ridiculous that states still can’t get this right. Much of America has a videogame machine in their living room that works more reliably than this.

  8. pandora says:

    Democracy is only as secure as its voting machines.

    Geez, I’m starting to sound like a fortune cookie! 🙂

  9. yippy focker says:

    Already started with the “they cheated” bit, eh?

  10. RSmitty says:

    Rehearsal. Every in-tune chorus needs to practice.

    I kid! 😛

  11. Andy says:

    Yup Smitty again the republican Chorus getting it in tune

  12. RSmitty says:

    Personally, I think both sides are already planning some sort of conspiracy-theory to explain away an “unexpected and shocking and scandalous” loss.

    Serious thought, and it has nothing to do with any particular contest: does anyone, or any campaign, ever take losing gracefully anymore? I’m speaking aside from concession speeches, too. Those are almost always somewhat graceful, with some exception. It’s what’s after that, that is usually filled with bitchfest accusations.

  13. liz says:

    It has nothing to do with “states getting it right”. It does have to do with rigging the machines by a computer. Its vote switching. In certain states pre-selected machines are attached to a computer in another state. You push the button for President, the vote goes into the machine through the rigged computer which could be in a basement in Tn or Alabama. When the vote instanteoulsy comes back it was switched from Obama to McCain. In North Carolina the Obama vote was switched to Cynthia McKinney of the Green Party. Greens have nothing to do with it. One of the “experts hired by Rove in 2000 and 2004” has written a book on how he did it. Recall after the Ohio election in 2004, Howard Dean showed how it was done. Its called “vote flipping”. Even though Florida has new machines, they are missing thousands of absentee votes.

    So far they have found WVA, TX , NC and Colorado votes have been flipped. This is occuring even though over the last few weeks, thousands of voters in several states were purged. Election Protection claims 3 million voters in several states were purged.

    In Fla. early voting has still caused 3 -5 hour wait. The Republican legislature voted to only keep the polls open a few hours per day (voter suppression). In Ohio where 500,000 were purged 3 weeks ago, and court cases filed, Bush now wants to send in the Dept. of Justice to oversee the election. Legislators in Ohio are telling him and the Justice Dept to stay the hell out of Ohio. In New Mexico 300,000 purged, Colorado 11,000 ballots were destroyed. In New York court cases are being filed for vote flipping and purges. I think its time we bring the Iraqis to the United States to supervise our elections.

    The big question being asked is, “what happens if John McCain steals this election”, what will citizens do? Some are calling for civil disobedience, some are saying everyone go to your Election office and stay there until they install the real President. Obama has 5000 lawyers working on this stuff…and it still isnt enough. Election Protection citizens are overwhelmed with the number of calls they are receiving from all over the country.

    Get ready for another stolen election and lets see how many real patriots there really are in this country. Will you sit still as we did in 2000 or 2004 or will you stand up?