Delaware Liberal

The Election Year According to Wingnuts

Via Balloon Juice, Jon Swift inventories the election year “reporting” of the conservative (make that wingnut) blogosphere.

Put down all drinks before reading.

Swift runs through the Greatest Hits (so far) of the right, including the mysterious Columbia University terrorist cell; the Great Birth Certificate forgery; the ephemeral Michelle Obama interview with a non-existent news service; whatever it is tat Larry Sinclair is claiming from his jail cell; and Obama getting answers in the debate via a secret device. My absolute favorite, I think is the legendary Michele Obama “Whitey” tape, hyped like the next Dancing with the Stars episode by the No Quarter crew.

Once I stopped laughing, I started to understand why John Cole keeps talking about John McCain’s campaign as being run by right-wing bloggers. With the exception of the celebrity thing — it is all there. I hope somebody sneaks into their blogger conference to document the atrocities….

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