Another Fishy KWS Lie

Filed in Delaware by on November 1, 2008

Brian Shields, of The Mourning Constitution, has blown a huge hole in the excuse that Karen Weldin Stewart campaign manager, Elliot Jacobson gave for her defaulted credit cards.  Her campaign racked up debt before it existed.  Good trick.

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  1. anon says:

    Forget KWS – everyone is missing the big story:

    The Citibank debt was actually around $8,000 but incurred during her 2004 campaign. Interest, fees and other charges brought it up to $19,000.

    From $8k to $19K in four years.

  2. Credit cards are a bitch when you can’t pay them. I had a $500 maxed out credit card that ended up being $1500 after a year or two of learning how to manage my credit as a teenager. get hit with a $40 late fee, and a $40 overlimit fee every month and how do you dig back out with a $15 minimum payment?

    I never went to court though.

    The sad thing is.. if she admitted to this as much as I just did, this would have been a small, passing story.

  3. Batshitcrazy Nancy says:

    Anony is correct. The story is in a person sticking up for herself and having the wherewithall to fight.
    KWS is actively fighting these usury charges and her attorneys are in negotiation with this debt originally on a Citibank credit card account. She went over some talking points that she will be using on Monday on DTR if John and Ger have scheduled her on as planned:
    1. The debt was sold [perhaps several times I am not sure of the details], making it as difficult to unwind as are some of the sub-prime loan bundles.
    2. This debt is not on her credit rating information. I wonder if Maria Evans bothered to check that out.
    3. She has been paying it down regularly by many thousands of dollars.
    4. It was a campaign debt of approximately 8K.
    5. She is fighting the exorbitant fees and penalties and has had success so far and is in continuing negotiations for their reduction.
    To many this will appear as a quality they like in an Insurance Commissioner. A fighter against the ‘system’ set up by lobbyists and corporate scumf**ks and the congressmen and women who sit back and refuse to regulate this industry that is causing havoc in s o many household’s financial solvency across this country.

  4. FSP says:

    The key to the whole thing is if she in fact lent $5K to her campaign after these judgments were rendered. Putting politics above paying your bills is a disqualifier.

  5. h. says:

    Oh, so this is just an experiment so she knows firsthand how to deal with these issues when they effect her constituents.

    I wasn’t voting for her because I thought she wasn’t qualified enough. This is just getting silly now.

  6. I’m sorry, how can it be a campaign debt if it was accrued the before her campaign?

    Interest was accrued from December of 2001 to January of 2004. That must mean a balance was present during that time. Did she run for an office I was not aware of in the time she was unable to work because she was greiving for supposed coworkers that died in the 9/11 tragedy?

  7. Batshitcrazy Nancy says:

    Brian, evidently she did talk about it. Alot. During her last campaign in fact. It was such a nothing story that the WNJ didn’t chose to write about it and still doesn’t believe that this information rises to ‘news’. Only the GOPerheads’ scandal sheet press and ‘radio’ is interested in smearing her with half-truths.
    I usually see her chuckle at the stupid stuff I show her about her being a ‘security guard at Lowes.’ ect.
    Maria Evans told me yesterday that Karen acted ‘evasively’ when asked. I think she probably needed a moment to wonder how to express herself on a ridiculous charge. Perhaps reflecting on the stoopid that the DE RNC is capable of is something LG and others can do more reporting on rather than the continual sensationalism of right-wingnut lies and distortions.
    As before, there is no fact behind R-Way having a connection to KWS. She placed it on Harris McDowell’s financial disclosures when she was his campaign treasurer in 2006 and that is the extent of it. I asked her about it a few weeks ago.
    Hating McDowell is all fine and good but to hate someone by extension like DL folks are up for is pretty sad.
    Brady will conduct the IC office as a GOP soldier in support of the insurance lobby. Is that what anyone really wants?

  8. Batshitcrazy Nancy says:

    it is hardly an ‘experiment’ to be swamped in fees and penalties. That attitude of yours perfectly reflects the atavistic image of the GOP as the well-heeled, cold-hearted contemptuous SOBs in full disregard for those who find themselves in difficult and problematic financial pitfalls.

  9. AnotherOneWhoKnowsHer says:

    Weldin Stewart’s outrageous lie that she was mourning supposed coworkers that died on 9/11 at a place where she never worked yet claimed she was the only survivor because she took the day off and didn’t go to NYC, and therefore couldn’t work and pay off her debts should get her kicked out of the political arena and under the bus right now. How pathetic to use an outrageous lie about a tragedy like 9/11 to cover up financial irresponsibility and an out of control spending habit. This woman has lied about everything, including her education, experience, background and work history. Donna Lee Williams fired her but she refused to leave her job by hiding behind her political friends. She hasn’t paid her mortgage at all this year and relied on “friends” to support her. You and I know these are the same “friends” who are working to get her into office so she can do their bidding. Check out her posting on that she entered yesterday, where she advised she is running for Delaware IC and lists all her invented so-called qualifications. That site is not one likely to be seen by the people she claims to want to serve with her bogus “higher standard”, but the insurance executives and lawyers who can give her money so she can live in the style that she tried for by running up her credit cards. This fraud is not someone we should have in charge of our state’s insurance affairs. What a joke she is, and she has the gall to pass herself off as some kind of financial genius. VOTE FOR JOHN BRADY if you care at all about Delaware.

  10. AnotherOneWhoKnowsHer says:

    Oh…and Batshitcrazy Nancy (Willing)….shut the fuck up because we all know where your loyalties lie. You’re as much a fraud as your buddy KWS.

  11. AnotherOneWhoKnowsHer says:

    Question: How can KWS be paying down her overdue and defaulted credit cards when she’s been unemployed for years? Doesn’t it make you wonder where the campaign contributions are going and why she is running for office in the first place?

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Nancy – you have repeatedly said that Karen has nothing to do with RWAY.

    I asked before, but it may have been missed… What if there was an invoice for RWAY with McDowell’s address and KWS’s name? What would you say? What would KWS say?

    Perhaps you should change tack and start talking about what RWAY does and why it isn’t a big deal if KWS is involved with it.

  13. I’m voting for John Brady. There is way too much that is questionable about KWS to even consider her for the office.

  14. P.I. says:

    Vote for anyone but KWS for Insurance Commisioner.

  15. anonie says:

    The woman is a fraud.

  16. P.I. says:

    amen to that. a legend in her own mind.

  17. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo was prepared to reluctantly support KWS. But as one who has known her as basically a per-diem employee with the Delaware State Senate, he finds her 9/11 sob story real hard to believe. Can anyone verify her story? If not, El Gigante has El Somnambulo’s vote.

  18. anonie says:

    There are so many holes in that “resume” who knows. Go to her bio on her website and read the crap she puts down. No dates, no job title, comapnies that are out of business, huge holes where she had no job,. It’s one of the greatest snow jobs in Delaware history.

  19. CorrectionalOfficer4Brady says:

    you want someone to verify her story?

    ahhahah….good one, we’ve been trying to do that for the past 4 months, but it simply is NOT verifyable

    and the person in question remains quiet on the subject and let’s other people make excuses for her.

  20. Elliot Jacobson has commented on my blog, addressing my concerns.

  21. R Smitty says:

    Yes, and be warned, he threatened to sue you all! BWAAA HAAA HAAA HAA. I kid you not.

  22. Disbelief says:

    Did you guys know that the Insurance Commissioner has to have a personal bond? You can’t get a bond if you have a past criminal history or past record of not paying your debts. Looks to me like KWS can’t be insurance commissioner because of the bonding requirement.

    Unless of course she makes a ‘deal’ with the insurance companies to help her out in return for a little ‘sumpin’ sumpin’.

  23. FSP says:

    “Yes, and be warned, he threatened to sue you all! BWAAA HAAA HAAA HAA. I kid you not.”

    Not only that, but he called everyone Nazis (Josef Goebbel school of blogging?), which, as we all know, is the universal blog code for “I lost this debate.”

  24. Yeah.. I decided not to get worked up over the nazi reference, If any blogger has tried to be fair to his candidate, aside from Kool aid drinkin’ Nancy, it has been me.

    I assumed he meant the anonymous commenters who have been vicious towards her, and not me.

  25. AnotherOneWhoKnowsHer says:

    Brian, I wouldn’t call the anti-KWS blogosphere vicious, just thruthful and realistic. The woman oughta give it up already. She’s been found out.