Actually, she does look like that. I met her at the JJ Dinner (she was determined to shake every hand in the place I think). I was surprised to learn that she’s almost 60 years old.
Sarah Palin like Christine the Virgin should go the way of DanQuayle. These women and their belief in a republic, not the Consitution and democracy should be immediately thrown under the GOP bus, expelled from the party for their belief system. Polls say they represent the lunatic fringe of 25% nationwide. If the republicans think they will win elections with “empty headed barbie dolls” as their front piece they are deluded from reality.
One picture is probably ten years old and another is probably ten days old.
I echo Brian’s sentiment. I think Weldin Stewart’s is even older.
She used it in 2004 v. Denn and I thought it was false advertising then.
Actually, she does look like that. I met her at the JJ Dinner (she was determined to shake every hand in the place I think). I was surprised to learn that she’s almost 60 years old.
And then there is the Brian Shields version.
Very clever, Brian!
that made me lol
Is Sarah Palin Good for Women:
It’s our Delaware street teamer checking in with UofD women
It looks like a picture from her college days. Plaaeease!
Sarah Palin like Christine the Virgin should go the way of DanQuayle. These women and their belief in a republic, not the Consitution and democracy should be immediately thrown under the GOP bus, expelled from the party for their belief system. Polls say they represent the lunatic fringe of 25% nationwide. If the republicans think they will win elections with “empty headed barbie dolls” as their front piece they are deluded from reality.
she looks hot to me even if she is pushing 60