Hey Jason I saw “stupid” and thought you were trying to get my attention!
Jason you have been around a long time and pretty much you can bust balls dishing it out and do take the crap thrown back quite well.
It seems to be all about pushing buttoms but in the long run it’s good debate with a little fun.
Those of you who worry Copeland is going to win may have a insecurity problem in need of professional help. Of course if he looses I’ll look like an ass! However, I have an image to uphold.
People of the world! Chill out you’ll still be poor on November 5, 2008 regardless of who win!
Don’t think I am going soft but let’s remember how bless we are and how many before us laid down their lives so we can openly debate and call President Bush an asshole!
Jason you need to teach LiberalGeek how to stay cool under pressure!
To all good luck next Tuesday and make sure to vote and if you’re not voting shut the fuck up!
Of course, D0minique is still up for first place stupid with her insightful commentary regarding the election:
“It could have been the realization that, well, what does it matter? The only thing that’s really going to change is the name of the president.”
JFC, MJ. Why do you feel the need to attack? Did it ever occur to you that maybe everyone is relatively well-informed but their sources of information may be different?
Anonone, I’m so sorry (though not terribly surprised) that you are having such difficulty understanding the complexity of that statement. Don’t worry, sweetie, it will make sense to you in the coming months.
Lets face it folks how can we expect McSame to defend this country when he didn’t defend his own Family from the vile Bush attacks in 2000. What a wimp all he did was kiss Bush’s ass for the past 8 years.
P.S. just to show you folks how ballsy i can be i sent McSame an E-mail stating these facts.
“Dom, you’re probably one of the most misinformed PUMA’s in the blogosphere.”
Like most liberals, you are obviously terrified of intelligent, strong-willed women. I’d venture a guess that it may have been because your own mother refused to buy you that purple “Princess Sparkle” model of My Little Pony in your formative years.
Miscreant – appropriate name. Actually, my mother, may she rest in peace, was very strong-willed, was my best friend and ally, and is where I draw my strength to shoot down schmucks like you. And if you must know, I supported Hillary in the primaries. So, remember, when you assume something, you just make an ass of yourself.
Hmm. So, did the official prediction thread already close?
Actually, I don’t think that people who disagree with me are stupid – I just think they’re uninformed.
They probably feel the same way you do, MJ.
Dom, you’re probably one of the most misinformed PUMA’s in the blogosphere.
Jason, we all knew that you felt that way, but we do appreciate the honesty! 🙂
Hey Jason I saw “stupid” and thought you were trying to get my attention!
Jason you have been around a long time and pretty much you can bust balls dishing it out and do take the crap thrown back quite well.
It seems to be all about pushing buttoms but in the long run it’s good debate with a little fun.
Those of you who worry Copeland is going to win may have a insecurity problem in need of professional help. Of course if he looses I’ll look like an ass! However, I have an image to uphold.
People of the world! Chill out you’ll still be poor on November 5, 2008 regardless of who win!
Don’t think I am going soft but let’s remember how bless we are and how many before us laid down their lives so we can openly debate and call President Bush an asshole!
Jason you need to teach LiberalGeek how to stay cool under pressure!
To all good luck next Tuesday and make sure to vote and if you’re not voting shut the fuck up!
Of course, D0minique is still up for first place stupid with her insightful commentary regarding the election:
“It could have been the realization that, well, what does it matter? The only thing that’s really going to change is the name of the president.”
JFC, MJ. Why do you feel the need to attack? Did it ever occur to you that maybe everyone is relatively well-informed but their sources of information may be different?
Anonone, I’m so sorry (though not terribly surprised) that you are having such difficulty understanding the complexity of that statement. Don’t worry, sweetie, it will make sense to you in the coming months.
Lets face it folks how can we expect McSame to defend this country when he didn’t defend his own Family from the vile Bush attacks in 2000. What a wimp all he did was kiss Bush’s ass for the past 8 years.
P.S. just to show you folks how ballsy i can be i sent McSame an E-mail stating these facts.
IDK, I think I’m pretty bright and the college board agrees with me.
Guess that makes you an elitist, Tom. 🙂
“Dom, you’re probably one of the most misinformed PUMA’s in the blogosphere.”
Like most liberals, you are obviously terrified of intelligent, strong-willed women. I’d venture a guess that it may have been because your own mother refused to buy you that purple “Princess Sparkle” model of My Little Pony in your formative years.
I have a masters degree in business administration, so I am smarter than Tom S.
So, to be smart what % of the time do we need to agree? Can we disagree on something like favorite candy bar (Reese’s PB Cups)?
“It could have been the realization that, well, what does it matter? The only thing that’s really going to change is the name of the president.”
I’m so sorry (though not terribly surprised) that you are having such difficulty understanding the *stupidity* of that statement.
Miscreant – appropriate name. Actually, my mother, may she rest in peace, was very strong-willed, was my best friend and ally, and is where I draw my strength to shoot down schmucks like you. And if you must know, I supported Hillary in the primaries. So, remember, when you assume something, you just make an ass of yourself.
Jason wrote:
Well, sha-zamm! Jason holds the same degree as President Bush! 🙂
“I have a masters degree in business administration, so I am smarter than Tom S.”
No, you have a masters degree in business administration.
I’m so sorry (though not terribly surprised) that you are having such difficulty understanding the *stupidity* of that statement.’
I’m so sorry, though not terribly surprised, that you are having such difficulty with developing original thoughts.
“Miscreant – appropriate name. ”
No kidding? It didn’t take you too long to get it.
“… and is where I draw my strength to shoot down schmucks like you. ”
Shot down? I haven’t even been grazed, only encouraged.
“And if you must know, I supported Hillary in the primaries. ”
Sorry that didn’t work out for you… seriously. I believe I wrote about an “intelligent and strong-willed” woman, not an arrogant, privileged shrew.
“…when you assume something, you just make an ass of yourself.”
Sounds… familiar.
No, it is just too much fun having you read your own gems such as:
I like McCain and I am fascinated by Palin
You’re hooking up with Mike M, right? I mean why else would he let you write this stuff on his blog?
Oh, wait there is more…
Now you’ve written a whole blog post on DWA trying to explain that anybody who didn’t understand the depth and profundity of:
“The only thing that’s really going to change is the name of the president.”
must just be stupid because they didn’t understand that it meant that you have
“no faith that either of the idiots on the ballot could possibly begin to change anything.”
I couldn’t make this stuff up. The title of this blog post must have given you the answer, right?
Yeah, Dominique, type slower, that’s it. Then maybe we’ll all understand.