Delaware Liberal

DEwind: The Week That Was October 27th

Make sure you put in your picks for our Election Contest.

The biggest news is in the Delaware blogosphere is quite simply the Insurance Commissioner contest between Karen Weldin Stewart, John Brady and Tom Savage. As Kavips wrote:

Anyone who remembers Donna Lee Williams, must understand what an improvement these last four years have been.

For those of you (myself included) take a look at the candidates at make an educated decision on who you will vote for. Brian Shields over at The Mourning Constitution makes it easy for us with his Five Questions series. There is also The Community News’ 2008 General Election Guide with self-written profiles of Karen Weldin Stewart, John Brady and Tom Savage. Then comes the news about other news. So, now what to do? My tact is to stick to the issues. The choice is yours, but one you should make.

This past Saturday morning, John Clatworthy was in front of me buying  donuts and coffee for his minions. I wanted to ask him what he thought about Kavips’ list of why he hates Clatworthy or the slap down Project Vote gave him, but one of his daughters was with him and, alas, I am no DV or Jason, so I let him pass unscathed. After all, I was unsure of the answer to the question.

As a little reminder, you need to be reading Kavips e v e r y  d a y. If you didn’t read Kavips this week, you missed his review of the following contests: Paradee-Thornburg, Baker-Deaver and Nixon-Brady. You also missed his brutal post about Charlie and Buying the Black Vote Factory and cutting satire of Bill Lee’s demise as told by Bill Lee himself.

I was all set to pick out who would be in my cabinet… Johnny Walker, Jim Beam, Jack Daniels… It would have been a comfortable four years… Boy could I use a beer right now….

Tommywonk also writes about the Nixon-Brady battle and says:

Let’s look first at the hearing aid bill, which Tyler Nixon, in this interview on Down With Absolutes, described as a “novelty bill”—as callow a remark as I have heard in politics in a long time.

Damn. More importantly Noles writes: “The difference between Gerald, who said little but did his part, and Tyler, who said a lot but did little, could not be clearer.”

Speaking of Charlie and the Dirty Ads Factory, cassandra_m put up $200 of her own money to raise $400 bucks for Matt Denn in his race against Copeland. Anyone have any idea how much was raised? Also at The DL, liberalgeek has been feeling the writing vibe with The Biden Rally at UD and Land of a Thousand Handshakes.

I could do a gun post, but we have gone so long without one, I feel I shouldn’t.

Kilroy hs been stopping by the DL quite often and he’s a little upset about our treatment of John Clatworthy, you can read all our posts here, and to some extent Charlie Copeland. Kavips and liberalgeek address Kilroy’s obsession with Copeland. Over at Kilroy’s Delware you can see Tyler Nixon dressed in fatigues  and crarrying some sort of weapon here and here and here. I get it, he served. Hey DV, you have any pictures of you serving eggs on the sub? And Kilroy continues to push for a Markell-Copeland Administration. Am I the only one who thinks if Copeland gets elected, his full-time job will be at the Board of Pardons? Also, it might come to surprise to many, but apparently Kilroy was a porn star in ’70s.

I kid, I kid. It takes a man with a good sense of humor to post a picture of himself like that. Kudos to Kilroy.

Last week I was called out twice: once by RSmitty at Delaware Politics and the other by Nancy at Delaware Way.  So my first stop was Delaware Politics. Color me suprised because I thought they had shuttered their doors; apparently not.

Dave Anderson is worried for Delaware. He’s worried that Delaware might become more like New Jersey with a convincing Democratic win on Tuesday. I’m more worried about Kent and Sussex becoming more like Arkansas and Alabama. Just saying. Oh and here is RSmitty’s rant on George Smiley. Happy now? 😉

A slight break in the action here to talk about Delware Watch’s post about the Better Government’s Association study, 2008 BGA – Alper Integrity Index. Dana lays in the lap of State Senator Thurman Adams. And, for the record Dave Anderson, here’s a time where Delaware should be emulating New Jersey.

And now onto Nancy’s criticism: I’m rubber and you’re glue, what ever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

From The Archives

This week, I’m starting a new feature on this post which will be taking a look back at our archives. One year ago on Delaware Liberal, liberalgeek wrote:

Bill Maher has been on a bit of a jag about the past few weeks with the great schtick that the Republicans have going. They yell and bitch and moan about how ineffective, wasteful and destructive government is and then they go and prove their own point. The morons over at FSP are always making this point as a reason to avoid single-payer health insurance. I have news for you guys, the system is broken.

Either we are a nation of competent people that are way smarter than the French, or we are too dumb to build a system that works better than the French system. Which is it?

I am in favor of the free market in things that require free markets. But when it comes to health, defense, social security and a few other markets, it is inappropriate.

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