Delaware Liberal

Election Night Silliness

So I go out tonite to walk with my neighbors and when I come back — all of the Obama signs on my block have been replaced with Charlie Copeland signs. I was mad as a hatter (still am) and remember why I miss living in my hometown. There I would have known enough people (ones I trust) to pull off a “special operation” tonite. All of the Obama signs are replaced, the Copeland ones are gone and one of my neighbors with a camera is turning that footage to the police. Fortunately, Charlie is pretty scarce in the city so there’s little chance we’ll be in close enough range for me to give him what for.

When I got home from other election day prep, I have a robo call from Herman Holloway, Jr. He is telling me that there are two Democrats running for City Council President — he is just in the second column. Which makes how many repubs throwing their party under the bus this cycle?

Delaware Republicans — stop calling me, stop sending me your crap in the mail and stop messing around with my lawn signs.

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