Top Five Delaware Pols Who are Done With Politics

Filed in National by on November 5, 2008

5) Karen Hartley Nagle As I mentioned earlier, her campaign was a disaster wrapped in a clusterfuck. You simply can’t run on $15,000, some kind words from a couple sock-puppets and a handfull of fairydust.

4) Mike Protack The voters have spoken, and spoken, and spoken. They don’t like Mike. Your poltical instinct are worse than your hearing. Adios Mike.

3) Donna Stone
You’ve suckled long enough at the public teet. The public is onto you. Buh bye.

2) John “The Clat” Clatworthy Your Christo-righty moves are so 1998. I’ve heard there is a lot of money in the ATM machine business, so have a nice life. Your flag burning amendments, and tax cuts for the super-rich are no longer welcome around here.

and the number one most dead political career goes to….

1) Charles Lamot DuPont Copeland
The non-Greenville Republicans will greet you with broken bottles when you try to make your comeback in light of how blatantly you sold out the rest of the ticket as part of your bizarre East Wilmington strategy. (A strategy which, if you look at the numbers, appears to have garnered all of 200 or 300 votes at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars). Nice!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    What, Bill Swain “Dewey Beach Keg Stand” Lee doesn’t make the list?

  2. jason330 says:

    He was number 6.

  3. Duffy says:

    I’d be more likely to vote for any candidate who supports keg stands.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    Duffy – I would too, so long as they were under 70. Shouldn’t the bouncers at those Dewey spots card to ensure the patron is >= 21 and <= say 50? It’s just creepy, I’m sorry.

  5. YHGTBSM says:

    Clatworthy and Copeland have indeed been knocked down very badly and will not recover. Lee, well he was never in the race so I guess he doesn’t feel too bad.

    The question is how could Republican delegates and primary voters be so stupid? They are the idiots who embraced the top down loser ticket this year and year after year after year.

    Today there should have been demands for mass resignations of every so called GOP leader in the state. In a week it will be the same old GOP BS.

  6. Duffy says:

    No way! I plan on doing keg stands well into my 80’s. As long as he’s hitting on women his own age it’s all good, not creepy.

  7. nemski says:

    Lee was brought to the ticket kicking and screaming. Not only did he not want to run, he didn’t run.

  8. Mark H says:

    I’d like to mention Nancy Wagner from down my way as someone who should be considered for this list

  9. anonie says:

    Terry Spence?

  10. anonie says:

    Should have been a top 10 list.

  11. Graniaclewbay says:

    Isn’t Ruthy Punkin Chunkin done yet?

  12. Tom says:

    Clatworthy is homophobic now? This blog is so full of bile and distortions. You people that come here to pat each other on the back should be ashamed. And to make fun of Christianity… what can one even say? You might as well say you want to move to another country.

  13. Geezer says:

    “And to make fun of Christianity… what can one even say? You might as well say you want to move to another country.”

    My goodness, you conservatives are a great source of unintended humor. Thinking people the world over have been making fun of Christianity for nearly 2,000 years, usually with excellent reason. If you don’t understand why, look up the frequently cited Gandhi quote comparing Christ with Christians.

  14. jason330 says:

    And to make fun of Christianity… what can one even say? You might as well say you want to move to another country.


    I don’t follow your logic. But that is okay. As for the Clat being a homophobe, maybe that was a bit much. I have removed it.

    However, given his rightwing orientation I think it was probably a fair inference.