Taking his Leave of Us.

Filed in National by on November 6, 2008

The News Journal has a story in today’s paper that asks whether Biden will in fact move to DC and into the Vice President’s Residence on the Naval Observatory grounds in Northwest Washington.   It is presented as a binary question: either he moves to DC or stays at his Greenville home, for he cannot have both.   Undoubtedly, the Bidens will move to DC, and yes, the Amtrack train rides will have to cease for the next eight years, since every Biden movement is now a military operation.   That is what Biden signed up for, and we Delawareans should not be suprised that he is no longer ours.  But that doesn’t mean he has to sell the Greenville home (although if he is selling, I am buying), and it doesn’t mean that Vice President Biden won’t be returning home often (since I hear DC is pretty close to Delaware, but hey, I am no geographic wizard like Sarah Palin). 


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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Even if Joe comes back, it will be very different. I doubt there will be discussions in the grocery store.

  2. Dana says:

    It is presented as a binary question: either he moves to DC or stays at his Greenville home, for he cannot have both.

    Why? He isn’t somehow forced to sell his home once he is sworn in as Vice President, and the facility at the Naval Observatory won’t be burned to the ground if he stays in Delaware.

    You all know that I am very disappointed in the outcome of the election, and that I think Senators Obama’s and Biden’s policy ideas are just wrong for this country, but Mr Biden’s personal story, concerning living in his own home state while in the Senate, is one even Republicans can appreciate. I don’t like his policies, but he seems to be an honorable man, which is more than I can say about most politicians.

  3. delawaredem says:

    Yeah, I won’t be running into him at the Happy Harrys. Literally, running into him. Now, that will be considered assault and I will be thrown to the ground by Secret Service

  4. jason330 says:

    Will there be a Delaware “brain-drain?”

    The office of the Vice President employs a heck of a lot of people and I don’t think many Cheney peeps will be asked to stay on.

  5. anonone says:


    Why don’t you read about the skin job Palin, and then tell us all why you’re disappointed that she wasn’t elected along with the person who selected her?

  6. RSmitty says:

    You know, as a 2-0 campaign manager during two blue-tide years, I would be glad to sell my soul to be part of his cabinet. Next to the fine china is perfectly fine for me…so long as it doesn’t contain lead.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t mind a Delaware “brain drain.” There’s plenty of new people around. I think it could mean a renewal in Delaware, actually.

  8. anon says:

    Time for my Joe Biden story.

    When the bill to repeal bankruptcy protections was first introduced, I was pretty steamed. I was not following politics much at that time, and I thought “We’ve got two Democratic senators – I’ll call them and find out how we can kill this thing!”

    When I looked up the bill and found Biden was a co-sponsor – that was the beginning of my political education.

    I resolved that if I ever ran into Biden, I would unload my own personal shitstorm on him about the bankruptcy bill.

    And then… I did run into him. In the old Brookstone store at the Christiana mall. On Christmas Eve. We were two guys both doing our last-minute Christmas shopping for our families.

    He was leaning against the counter waiting to pay. I circled the store a few times, trying to think of how to frame my rant.

    Then I strode right up to him, and said:

    “Merry Christmas, Senator Biden.”

  9. Another Mike says:

    I’ve run into the senator a few times, the last a few years ago at Staples on Concord Pike. He was there with his daughter, asking her to hurry up because he had somewhere to go. It will be a shame that such encounters will likely end, but now the country will find out what we already know: Joe Biden is an asset to the people of the United States.

  10. X Stryker says:

    If Carney gets the Senate nod, we’ll have some new stories to tell about bumping into our Senator. This is Delaware, after all; who DON’T we bump into on a regular basis?

  11. Unstable Isotope says:

    Way to tell him anon!

  12. Truth Teller says:

    Joe will continue to come to the beach I just hope he stays north of Fenwick I sure hate the traffic tie ups.

  13. Nancy Willing says:

    His mom will have to move with him.

  14. Dana says:

    anonone wrote:

    Why don’t you read about the skin job Palin, and then tell us all why you’re disappointed that she wasn’t elected along with the person who selected her?

    Because I’ve seen some of the idiotic propaganda from your side in this campaign, and it’s all bovine feces. Were the Delaware Liberal my sole source of information, I would have to conclude that Barack Obama was born in a manger, and Saved The World from the possible election of John McCain, a thorough Satanist, while the Great Guy Joe Biden fended off the Wiccan witch Sarah Palin.

    People, all four of those candidates were good, successful people; you don’t get elected to anything if you are the kind of person that y’all portrayed Senator McCain and Governor Palin to be on this site.

    I was very harsh on Senator Obama’s policies, and the fact that we really don’t know him all that well, but I never wrote the first thing saying that he was ignorant or stupid or evil; stuff like that simply isn’t true. I did say, explicitly, that he was deliberately lying concerning his tax cut proposals, and the coming months will prove me right on that.

    Has it ever occurred to you that you can disagree with someone without hating him?

    As for the question, would I rather have Sarah Palin as the next Vice President than Joe Biden, the answer is yes, I would.

  15. jason330 says:

    We get it. You are a retard. Why do you feel you have to keep proving it?