Georgia On My Mind

Filed in National by on November 6, 2008

Wow.  The word out of Oregon is that Jeff Merkley (D) has won the Senate seat.  Believe it or not, Mark Begich can still win in AK, as there are still several hundred thousand votes to count.  I have also seen a report that says that Al Franken has pulled ahead in MN.

Oh My.  Add to this the fact that we will now have a runoff election on December 4th in Georgia, and we have the potential of a good deal of time, money and effort heading to Georgia in the next month.  Thanksgiving in Atlanta anyone?


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  1. delawaredem says:

    Yes, it is confirmed: Merkley has won. That means our numbers in the Senate are now 56 (49 Democrats + Bernie Sanders (I-VT) + 6 new Democrats (Hagan, Warner, Shaheen, Udall, Udall, Merkley)). I don’t count Lieberman, but with him, we are at 57.

    Alaska, Georgia and Minnesota still outstanding.

  2. Geezer says:

    Ted Stevens does more to wreck his party by winning. It will keep the story alive for months as he fights to keep his seat, serving as a frequent, high-profile reminder of the sleazy morals of the conservative right.

    If Begich wins, it’s just another Democratic seat, and the Stevens fight is relegated to the back pages, if covered at all.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    If Franken, Begich and Martin all win that gives us the magic 60, but we have to keep Lieberman. So, I still consider than 59 because I doubt Lieberman will block Republicans fillibustering.

    I was just reading It sounds like something is really fishy with the missing votes in Alaska. We have to make sure we keep on top of it.