Our Next State Treasurer?

Filed in Delaware by on November 6, 2008

Commenter ‘nooneimportant’ asks:

And why aren’t we talking about who is going to be the next Jack Markell? (asking curiously…I know why we talk about Joe’s seat)

Well, I was planning on it, but you beat me to the punch.    As with Joe Biden’s replacement, Governor Minner gets to make the appointment.  Back in October, the Cape Gazzette reported Joe Rogalsky as refusing to speculate as to whom Markell considers qualified to replace him, as the campaign was solely focused on winning the election.  However, I will assume that the Deputy Treasurer Ann Visalli is qualified, since Jack Markell hired her to be the Deputy Treasurer and since she has been running the day to day operations of the office while Jack has been campaigning.

Here is a picture of Ms. Visalli:

I highly doubt a political appointment will be made here.    I expect Ms. Visalli or someone else either within the department or with similar experience in similar Treasurer’s offices in other state to be appointed.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I was going to suggest Doniviti.

  2. delawaredem says:

    Oh Wow. Now that would be a shake up.

  3. jason330 says:

    Visalli would make a lot of sense in terms of continuity and competence.

    I don’t see any surprises here.

  4. mike says:

    There is a rumor out that Ms. Visalli will come take over my agency, OMB. I have no knowledge, one way or another. Speculating on cabinet posts, state and national, is going to be fun for a while.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:


    We have to have something to occupy our time now that the election is over. It’s been so all-consuming for a while that I’m sure some people are just feeling lost.

  6. El Somnambulo says:

    How about John Carney? El Somnambulo hears it is a great stepping-stone to higher political office.

  7. X Stryker says:

    I think Ann Visalli would be a great choice. More women on the ballot is a good thing.

  8. Nooneimportant says:

    That’s interesting, because I spoke with someone who works on Jack’s camp (I mean, actually gets paid, not a volunteer) and they said Jack gets to pick?

    Either way, she’s an interesting pick, but I agree no surprises there. (would she just be a place holder until 2010 when Treas. would be up for election again?)

  9. Nancy Willing says:

    Minner reportedly went to visit Joe and Barack in Chicago rather than spend time with the DE DEMs on King. I have a feeling that the convo was primarily on who he is telling her to pick as his replacement.

  10. Political Observer says:

    “Jack gets to pick”

    Not necessarily. Jack has to resign his seat before he takes the oath. Technically, he has to sign the resignation and take an oath that lasts about two minutes. All the outgoing Governor has to do is have an appointment ready and sign it before Jack finishes taking the oath. If that were to pass it would mean there’s some very real animosity between the Governor and Governor-elect.

    That said, Jack could also resign and take the oath privately anytime after midnight on the 20th of January and simply inform the Governor she’s out of a job effective that moment. He would then take the oath publicly later in the day. Again, this signals significant unresolved issues.

    By the way, my sources say Visalli is going to be head of OMB. From what little I know of her, she’s not likely to want to run for office.

  11. jason330 says:

    You are talking “Betty Broderick Lifetime Movie” levels of animosity.

    I don’t see it.

  12. Political Observer says:

    That was the point. Neither do I.

  13. jason330 says:

    Oh Sorry. BTW – Where is the OMB rumor coming from? I’m not up on any of this. Is it just that all RAM’s appointees are probably headed for the door?