Delaware Liberal

Our Next State Treasurer?

Commenter ‘nooneimportant’ asks:

And why aren’t we talking about who is going to be the next Jack Markell? (asking curiously…I know why we talk about Joe’s seat)

Well, I was planning on it, but you beat me to the punch.    As with Joe Biden’s replacement, Governor Minner gets to make the appointment.  Back in October, the Cape Gazzette reported Joe Rogalsky as refusing to speculate as to whom Markell considers qualified to replace him, as the campaign was solely focused on winning the election.  However, I will assume that the Deputy Treasurer Ann Visalli is qualified, since Jack Markell hired her to be the Deputy Treasurer and since she has been running the day to day operations of the office while Jack has been campaigning.

Here is a picture of Ms. Visalli:

I highly doubt a political appointment will be made here.    I expect Ms. Visalli or someone else either within the department or with similar experience in similar Treasurer’s offices in other state to be appointed.

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