Delaware Liberal

The F word

This is amusing and not at the same time. 

Supreme Court debates ‘F-word’ without using it

WASHINGTON – A clearly divided Supreme Court on Tuesday debated indecent language for an hour without anyone using the words in question.

Circumlocutions like “the F-word” and “the S-word” sufficed as the court considered the year’s highest-profile free-speech controversy. All signs now point to a tight decision over whether broadcasters can be fined for allowing use of so-called “fleeting expletives,” which are swear words used in passing.

I love it, so there is a discussion about saying Fuck and they can’t say the word. Good lord this country is so repressed.

The court’s conservative justices showed sympathy for the Federal Communications Commission members who want to punish broadcasters. Associate Justice Antonin Scalia denounced the “coarsening” effect of swearing, while Chief Justice John Roberts warned about “impressionable children” being harmed by inherently dirty words

Thank God Obama will get to put some liberal judges in…

“It’s one of the most vulgar, graphic and explicit words for sexual activity,” Garre told the Court.

Countered Stevens, “that’s a word that is often used with no reference to sexual connotations.”

holy fucking shit these people

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