The F word

Filed in National by on November 6, 2008

This is amusing and not at the same time. 

Supreme Court debates ‘F-word’ without using it

WASHINGTON – A clearly divided Supreme Court on Tuesday debated indecent language for an hour without anyone using the words in question.

Circumlocutions like “the F-word” and “the S-word” sufficed as the court considered the year’s highest-profile free-speech controversy. All signs now point to a tight decision over whether broadcasters can be fined for allowing use of so-called “fleeting expletives,” which are swear words used in passing.

I love it, so there is a discussion about saying Fuck and they can’t say the word. Good lord this country is so repressed.

The court’s conservative justices showed sympathy for the Federal Communications Commission members who want to punish broadcasters. Associate Justice Antonin Scalia denounced the “coarsening” effect of swearing, while Chief Justice John Roberts warned about “impressionable children” being harmed by inherently dirty words

Thank God Obama will get to put some liberal judges in…

“It’s one of the most vulgar, graphic and explicit words for sexual activity,” Garre told the Court.

Countered Stevens, “that’s a word that is often used with no reference to sexual connotations.”

holy fucking shit these people

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hiding in the open

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  1. Bobby Thomson says:

    You said Jehovah.

  2. Tom S. says:

    Our of curiosity, how would your liberal judges feel about the “N-word”?

  3. jason330 says:

    I think that was settled by “Richard Prior v. Duke Power”

  4. Von Cracker says:

    The words, by themselves, are meaningless.

    I could say “Frack off!”, “shite”, “poo-nanny” and you’d know what I meant. So wouldn’t that mean that any ‘vessel’ is or is not obscene, depending on your point of view?

    It’s meta BS….and it’s silly.


  5. I hope ALL the liberals on the Court retire BEFORE Obama’s first term so he can appoint some people in their late 40s so they can stick around for 30-40 years.

  6. …because we know the Conservatives on the court like Alito, Thomas, Scalia, and Roberts are too freaking young and won’t be retiring even if Obama wins a second term.

  7. kavips says:

    I used to be against using the “F” word period, and especially around children…. I was pretty good at it too…

    But one time of riding the school bus home with my children, the inner city bus driver put on a hip hop station, which used the “f” word in every other sentence…

    Curious as to the reaction…. I looked around to see how the kids were reacting before I got up and demanded he turned it off…..

    The kids were singing along. They knew all the words, apparently having heard the song quite a few times before….

    That’s when I threw in the towel and said what the fuck… How can a 6 year old take anyone seriously who uses euphemisms when they already know that anyone who thinks he’s someone, uses the actual word itself?

    So unless the entertainment industry is permanently muzzled, it’s pointless to even try….

    It boils down to the matter of power… If the entertainment world says you can’t fuckin’ mess with our free speech…, we have to previously agree to have a unified voice which responds convincingly with a: “Dude, it’s fuckin’ done..”

    In my humble opinion…. we have a lot more important problems requiring our attention before we travel down this path…

    Just sayin’. 🙂

  8. jason330 says:


    I would not have looked around first, but would have flown into a righteous hizzy-fit.

    You are a wise Kavips.

  9. kavips says:

    If you want my humble solution, just substitute the words intercourse and defecate into the word stream the next time you go about flinging expletives around…

    It makes you look tough and intimidating.

  10. Dana says:

    If there were a function which could list word usage on this fine site ordinally, would the F-word come in at number one, or only in the top ten? 🙂

    There was a description of Gus Grissom by Tom Wolfe in The Right Stuff, in which Mr Wolfe said that Lieutenant Colonel Grissom’s working vocabulary consisted of ten nouns, five verbs and one adjective. There are times I wonder about other people having command of only one adjective.