Delaware Liberal

WORKING to Thwart The Media Narrative of the Failed Obama Presidency

Renowned internet dummy, Miscreant, thinks the press made people like Barack Obama and hate Sarah Palin. And as I noted last week, Rick Jensen is already promoting the meme of the failed Obama Presidency on his radio show. So we all know where this wingnut lynch mob is headed. “The liberal media” is s term you should get used to hearing.

How will it play out? The traditional media will be bending over backwards to prove that they are not liberals.

A while back Duncan Black nailed it down.

It’s important to get ready for what’s to come. In 2000, once the dust settled from the election, it was quite frightening to watch the press assume their roles as official courtiers and sycophants. After all of those years of contempt and disdain for Clinton, they welcomed the Bush administration with a gushing love which was truly surreal. Bush didn’t get a 100 day honeymoon, he got one which lasted until 9/11… and then got a bit extended.

It won’t be like that with Obama. As far as the media is concerned, the failed Obama presidency begins the day after the election. Just wait for it.

I hope everyone enjoyed our one day honeymoon. Our work begins today.

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