WORKING to Thwart The Media Narrative of the Failed Obama Presidency

Filed in National by on November 6, 2008

Renowned internet dummy, Miscreant, thinks the press made people like Barack Obama and hate Sarah Palin. And as I noted last week, Rick Jensen is already promoting the meme of the failed Obama Presidency on his radio show. So we all know where this wingnut lynch mob is headed. “The liberal media” is s term you should get used to hearing.

How will it play out? The traditional media will be bending over backwards to prove that they are not liberals.

A while back Duncan Black nailed it down.

It’s important to get ready for what’s to come. In 2000, once the dust settled from the election, it was quite frightening to watch the press assume their roles as official courtiers and sycophants. After all of those years of contempt and disdain for Clinton, they welcomed the Bush administration with a gushing love which was truly surreal. Bush didn’t get a 100 day honeymoon, he got one which lasted until 9/11… and then got a bit extended.

It won’t be like that with Obama. As far as the media is concerned, the failed Obama presidency begins the day after the election. Just wait for it.

I hope everyone enjoyed our one day honeymoon. Our work begins today.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSmitty says:

    Everyone is a fucking freakazoid when it comes to claiming media bias. The left will always point to the Shamnitys and Fatbaughs as the all-encompassing media-frenzy that is right-biased and the right will always point to the Olberdickmanns and Maddcows as the all-encompassing media-frenzy that is left-biased. What’s missed is the bulk of the media that actually reports what is fact (or widely understood as fact). They are ignored because that makes them non-controversial.

    Both sides need to get the frick over it already. The polarized pundits are freaking asshole puppets and get what they deserve when I change the station.

  2. Miscreant says:

    If you’re going to attempt to criticize someone’s intelligence, it’s spelled “renowned”.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Off Topic — Radio Times on NPR this AM has Mickey Edwards and Vin Weber talking about reclaiming conservatism. Edwards is worth listening to.

  4. jason330 says:

    Fixed. Thanks buddy!

  5. Miscreant says:

    No problem. Educating you is entertaining.

  6. anonone says:


    I tuned it in – I CAN’T TAKE IT! I can’t see how anybody can take these people seriously. I don’t see how they can take themselves seriously.

  7. Liz says:

    Rush, Oreilly, Hannity are all worried about the Fairness Doctrine. So is Jenson. As Olberman said last night…”they are all irrelvant now”!

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Vin Weber is in the tank, but Edwards is a thoughtful guy. We need to listen to and read and engage with the thoughtful ones, even if we disagree.

  9. anonone says:

    I know…but it is soooo hard. 🙂

  10. RSmitty says:

    Rush, Oreilly, Hannity are all worried about the Fairness Doctrine. So is Jenson. As Olberman said last night…”they are all irrelvant now”!

    Liz, that whole list, including Olberman should be irrelevant. They think themselves to be larger in purpose than the size of their already-swollen egos.

  11. Liberalvoter says:

    After the long fought Democratic Presidential primary everyone looked to Hillary Clinton to heal and unite the Democratic Party. John McCain’s concession speech was very gracious and I liked him more than I have for the last 6 months. But, it isn’t enough. The Republican party has incited hate and fear with references to terrorism. Now is the time for the Republican party to step up to the plate and unite a divided country. I truely believe that John McCain is a good guy, a guy caught up in the campaign. I don’t believe that John McCain is prejudice and I know he knows Obama does not have ties to terrorism. But, the implications were wrong and dangerous. The Republican party played on the uniformed American voter. It’s time to do the right thing…….. Sarah Palin has done more damage than John McCain and I don’t expect much from her.

  12. anonone says:

    I truely believe that John McCain is a good guy, a guy caught up in the campaign.

    You are truly wrong.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    In many ways the current narrative that the country is a center-right place and that the Dems shouldn’t overreach is part of the setup. All of this commentary forgets that Obama articulated various policies and plans that were relatively consistent (there are some changes) for two years, and voters graded him more capable and/or more credible than McCain in almost every governing category. What is idiotic about this is that we already know what the agenda is, the story now is whether he is successful at implementing any of it.

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yes, the Republicans are panicking because they made this election a referendum on conservatism. They called Obama a liberal, a socialist and a redistributionist. Now they’re trying to say that people didn’t really mean to pick the Democrats. I know Obama’s smarter than all those GOPers put together so I think he knows what his win means.

  15. Nancy Willing says:

    Duncan has a right to his opinion but the advance of MSNBC liberalism with Tweety (surprising Obama-love), KO and Maddow, we have some traction.
    The rest of the fucks can go fuck themselves.

    How much traction the RNC gets with the new Loyal Opposition meme will be up to the rest of us.

    This blog and others, Eschaton and Kos ‘course, are the foil to the maddness.

  16. kavips says:

    I have to disagree with Jensen’s premise that the media is liberal… Personally I thought the media went way out of its way to portray McCain as a viable candidate, and glossed over Palin’s lack of credentials, being more taken with her star quality….

    For wherever the media actually stood on the scale between conservative and liberal, when compared with the actual vote tallies, it was apparently right in line with mainstream America. The final vote tally showed America supported Obama. The media was dead on.

    So here is how you handle Jensen… it would be marvelous to hear ten calls going in tomorrow pointing this out, just to make his great week a whole lot better….

    Fact: America’s electoral votes ran 2 to 1: Obama over McCain

    Fact: Newspaper editorial endorsements also went 2 to 1: Obama over McCain…..

    The above is the one part of the equation that Jensen and other conservatives are missing… They keep forgetting the simple fact that they wound up on the losing side… We have to keep reminding them of that…

    “Correct me if I’m wrong, Rick, but the media is not biased.. You were just on the losing side…” (slip that twenty times into your call)

    If one blames the media, as does Rick, then how can one explain the voter’s choice? It mirrors that of the media… If one somehow blames the voters of losing common decency….then how does one explain those printed paper’s endorsements that are split the same as the electoral college?

    The graph below illustrates why this happens.

    Red ================================ Blue
    Jensen>>>>>>>>>Media<<<<<<<Obama supporter

    Being off the deep end, from his perspective, the media actually does appear to be more liberal than his views… But from the point of view of anyone who was actually knocking on doors…and dealing with the public’s perception of the myths that today we all knew were not true….. the media was way too friendly to McCain….

    Bottom line.. the division among the media, conservative versus liberal, corresponded almost exactly to the actual voter turnout…

    Therefore it must be dead on.

    Jensen, again is wrong…..

  17. anonone says:

    Here’s the deal: If the media were truly liberally biased then the meme about the media would not be that the media is liberally biased – in short, a liberal media would not constantly harp about its own bias.

    The myth and meme of the liberal media is only propagated because the media actually has a right wing bias that it can’t and won’t admit to.