Deep Thought

Filed in National by on November 8, 2008

Why would I want a Domino’ Oven Baked Sandwich? I love Submart.

Bonus Deep Thought:

 Yes, Sarah Palin was the dumbest person in the room,  but shouldn’t  John McCain be considered (at least) the second dumbest person in the room for picking her.   It seems like he is getting a bit of a free pass.  

Double Secret Bonus Deep Newty Thought

Right now the GOP is looking backward for a messiah, but i think they’ll probably nominate someone nobody knows right now.

I mean, if the saga of Plain and Joe the Plumber proves anything, it proves that you can zoom to GOP superstardom in an afternoon if you are willing to make fun of common sense and spit in the face of reason.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. June says:

    I can’t believe I’m feeling sorry for Sarah Palin, but I am. John McCain never should have picked her, and he should come out now and defend her. The Republicans are really low for making fun of her.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think they are wrong for blaming Palin. I think the only reason McCain stood any chance of winning was because of Palin. His campaign was really awful before he picked her. Picking someone he barely knew just showed his judgment and the fact that she is a dummy is a consequence of how Republicans pick their leaders. She is the ultimate embodiment of what the Republicans have become.

    The backstabbing does not make the McCain team look any better. They were the ones that were covering up her incompetence and telling the American people that she was the most qualified person in the U.S. to be Vice President. (Remember they were saying she had more qualifications than Barack Obama.)

  3. Truth Teller says:

    Yes this reminds me of Bush the first telling us that Clarence Thomas was the smartest person for the job

  4. Liberalvoter says:

    Joe Biden rally at the Uof D, really fired up. He’s great:

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Liberalvoter – are you my favorite MTV video blogger, or just a fan of the same?

  6. Those sandwiches are freakin’ awesome. Since I work there, I doctor mine up with an extra slice or two of american cheese after they first get out of the oven so it melts into the sandwich….


    They are about as healthy as a Crisco sundae, but damn they’re good.