Fact of the day

Filed in National by on November 8, 2008

I have been doing a lot of soul searching these past few weeks and I have come to a very, very cerebral and dignified conclusion about myself. I’m pretty much the coolest fucking blogger in Delaware right now.

With all due respect and I do mean all due respect to my fellow bloggers at Del lib I’m up against a geek, a shirtless nutjob that doesn’t know when to quit, a theiving conniving wench, a part time ambulance chaser…and well Cassandra, who I admit is in her own class.

Since Delaware liberal is the first and last stop of Delaware’s Blogosphere it should end there and it essentially does. To quote a very famous poet Rob Bass,

‘Cause I’m the winner, no, I’m not the loser To be an M.C. is what I choose ‘a
Ladies love me, girls adore me
I mean even the ones who never saw me
Like the way that I rhyme at a show
The reason why, man, I don’t know
So let’s go, ’cause”.

You get the idea. Even ones that never saw me!  That just happened.  How true Rob B, how true. I’m da coolest and you can’t refute dis.

What made me come to this conclusion you ask?  Well, I have done some astute observing over the past several years and have seen that very few people, in fact none that I know of in Delaware can hold a candle to me, let alone a gun. I could go through the list of people I am WAY cooler than, but that would require more cowbell and this site in no way shape or form requires cowbell to get the job done.  I could tell you with 100% assurance that I am not as frightening as some other 6 ft 8 in, dark glasses the size of Larry King’s. I can also say that I’m not as in the tank with a fellow politician to the point where I want to box someone. I can also say that I am not a racist, a bigot or a 40 some year old person that doesn’t know laughing at a lawn jockey comment is offensive.  I don’t ride a bmx bike to work with a windmill flag adorning my ride.  I don’t require starting up countless websites since I have retired from my political stint in Sussex county.  I don’t ryhme with shitty.  I am not as cold as a witch’s tit in November.  I’m not another gun blog.  I don’t use common sense all the time, because using common sense is code for I don’t want to have to think really hard when I need to solve a difficult problem.  I am not any of those things and for that reason along with many others I am not going to tell you, I’m the coolest fucking blogger in Delaware.

I walk the walk and talk the talk. 

About the Author ()

hiding in the open

Comments (14)

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  1. TommyWonk says:

    If you’re the coolest [deleted] blogger, why are the Christmas decorations up so early? You don’t think that’s a bit of nerdy?

  2. pandora says:

    From Hottest to Coolest? Gotta love ya, DV. That’s the best spin I’ve ever seen. 😉

  3. edisonkitty says:

    Even the ones you won’t tell us? That’s what made Sarah Palin cool.

  4. Tommy,


  5. Wench,

    this isn’t spin, it’s the FACT of the Day!

  6. pandora says:

    Brrr… I’m getting a chill!

  7. liberalgeek says:

    I do believe that this is the first time I have detected jealousy from Tommywonk…

  8. delawaredem says:

    Parttime ambulance chaser? How ’bout I send the ambulances to your house?


  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    Your logic is impeccable.

  10. Joe M says:

    DV, this would all be true if you weren’t such a *channeling McCain* cunt. =P

  11. Joe M says:

    PS: The new header graphic is awesome, LG!

  12. Duffy says:

    Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself? I’m voting with the latter.