Delaware Liberal

Stories From The Grocery Store Line

Mrs. Geek was at a grocery store this morning and came back with this story:

A mother and her adult daughter (with children) were in line in front of Mrs. Geek.  when the total of $158 came up. the daughter swiped her ATM, but it wouldn’t process the transaction.  Daughter went over to the nearby ATM to just withdraw the cash.  She seemed to be taking a long time, so her Mother pulled out a card and said that she would just get the money from daughter when she got back.

As the transaction was wrapping up, daughter returned from the ATM, looking flustered… “It says there isn’t enough in there, I guess we have to put this back.” she said, looking at the food.  “No, I have paid for it, but you have to pay me back soon.  That was the Christmas money that I just spent.”

Mrs. Geek said that this perfectly framed the issues with the economy for her.

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