Delaware Liberal

Trenchant Political Commentary

This is just flat out funny. Dave Burris has charted out how the Republican Party can get back in the game.

The Republican Party of the Reagan Revolution was built on the legacy of Barry Goldwater and the shoulders of Ronald Reagan.

St. Ronny has been bowed to…now on with the comedy.

It consisted of a “three-legged stool” – social conservatives and other culture warriors, including 2nd amendment fans and homeschooling advocates, among many;

First leg of the stool = crazy people who are reliable flunkies and dupes, who will vote against their economic interests and will man the phone banks with gusto if they think they think someone is trying to turn them gay. (e.g. Dana Pico, Frank Knotts and Art Downs)

economic conservatives, including budget hawks and those advocating limited government and low taxation;

Second leg = Greedy ass losers who want all the benefits of being Americans without having to pay for any of them. (Burris himself is in this category)

and foreign policy conservatives, including neo-cons and defense hawks

Just read that sentence again and let the full comedy sink in. What do “foreign policy conservatives” have in common with “neo-cons” other than the fact that none of them ever served in any branch of the United States armed forces?

So to recap:

The renewed republican party is going stride to glorious victory when home schoolers who think the world is 10,000 years old link arms with a cabal of rich people who would just as soon move to Cayman Islands if they are asked to pay for anything, and another group of crazy people who think we can bomb our way to security.

Hilarious. Dave is going to party like it is 1999.

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