Deep Thought: Scott’s Law
With the end of any election cycle there is a round of bloggy navel gazing. This time I got to thinking about how reliable blogs are and came up with this:
88% of all Political Blogging is the crazily uniformed writing for the adamantly clueless.
– Jason Scott 11/9/08
Dennis Rochford being considered Markell’s CoF occasioned the writing of the law.
To be fair, you just posted an anonymous tip concerning Rochford. Of course, no one else touched it. LOL.
Okay. 88% is the over under number.
Is it 88% of your blogging, or are you including the rest of us as well? And if you include Hube and Burris, then the number jumps to 200%, under the Karl Rove’s “The Math.”
I guess Rochford was just a recent trigger for something that has been gnawing at me for a while.
The feeling I can’t shake is that we mere mortals get only fleeting glimpses of what really goes on. There are people who really call the shots who we don’t know making decisions we will never know about.
It is not so much a conspiracy, but a whole other dimension of political reality.
Is this like a signing statement?
I’m still trying to figure out why bloggers have to wear a uniform. Oh, or is that just code for “writing in your underwear”??
11/09/2008: The day Jason snatched that ever-so-elusive clue to reality.