Delaware Liberal

Our Standards

Over at Delaware Libertarian, Steve Newton has found from a secondhand source the Delaware Liberal standard for dealing with conservative or otherwise non-liberal or non-Democratic commenters.   I have seen this “standard” before at other places in the blogosphere, and yes, Steve, it is pretty damn accurate, except for the beating Russian brides part:

If you expect to come here, spout idiotic opinions, write poorly, or just otherwise make an ass of yourself, don’t expect to be mollycoddled. If you are not smart, not funny, or simply don’t add to the collective discourse, you will be beaten like a Russian bride and sent on your way.

This is not quashing dissent. This is the cold boot of failure kicking you straight between the eyes. Just because the American educational system has taught you that everybody is a winner, and that you have some twisted right to have your opinion not only heard, but respected, doesn’t make it true.

Frankly, some of you need to be told that, objectively, you suck. And if you do, it will happen here. You have been warned.”

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