Delaware Liberal

The Republican Myth

Read the following statement by Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) and tell me where the Republican Party is headed.

When asked by Chris Wallace what “conservative solutions” the GOP would bring to their current minority-party status, Pence said social issues like “the sanctity of marriage” will remain the backbone of the Republican platform.

“You build those conservative solutions, Chris, on the same time-honored principles of limited government, a belief in free markets, in the sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage,” Pence said.

Look at that list.  Limited government and free markets vs. sanctity of life and marriage?  Could those issues be any further apart?  Republicans must make up their minds.  Either they want government out of people’s lives or in it.  They can’t run on both.  And the truth is they’ve only run on one.  Limited government and free markets have been reduced to simplistic talking points.  The last eight years have given us more government, and we all know what’s happening with the free of restrictions market experiment.

Republicans have become the party of bedroom governance – with abortion and gay marriage leading the way.   Fiscal conservatism has become the ultimate oxymoron and we’ve learned, to our expense, that free markets can be costly.

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