Delaware Liberal

Florida 2000 Redux

Here we go again.

So just as the massive Minnesota Senate race recount starts the GOP sets up their patented smear campaign.

The recount in the Minnesota Senate race hasn’t even begun yet, but already the GOP is working to delegitimize it in advance, by smearing the man who will run it as a partisan Democrat.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has been distributing to reporters a three-page “backgrounder” that attacks Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, a Democrat, for having spoken at the Democratic convention this summer, and for having “led a voter registration coalition that included ACORN,” among other alleged sins.

Then there’s a blog, “started by Republicans to keep watch on what they call “shenanigans” perpetrated by Democrats as the Minnesota Senate recount proceeds.” And look over here! The WSJ lays out all of the talking points for you.

Republicans are not victims here — but they will spend alot of money and energy to try to convince you otherwise. There are a couple of million voters in Minnesota who deserve to get a good count and get their legislative house in order, but somehow it is the Republicans who are being wronged here. Norm Coleman tried the lame argument that there shouldn’t be a recount at all, a position that was quickly laughed at. The good news is that almost everywhere that Rs have tried their usual voter suppression tactics the push back by citizens, administrations and courts has been massive and decisive. Minnesota needs to smack this back too and just get to their business.

But for fun, copy the links of the places you see these talking points show up in the comments, so we can see how far and fast the echo chamber actually works.

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