Just Wondering

Filed in National by on November 13, 2008

Why does the liberal media seem to hate liberals with such a white hot passion?

h/t eschaton

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think the media keeps talking to all these people that have been wrong about everything because they don’t want to admit that they’ve been had. It’s co-dependency! Republicans need the media as much as the media needs them.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    That was stupidly lazy reporting. And John Lott as an expert in anything? Please. What kind of a newsroom has an editor that won’t ask for the reporter to at least talk to the Secretary of State of the head of the Elections Dept?

  3. nemski says:

    cassandra hit the nail on the head — lazy.

  4. Duffy says:

    Yeah you can see it in the way they absolutely skewered Obama for the last year and a half. How can he survive such brutal onslaughts as “I’ve got a thrill going up my leg”. Truly a testament to his character and fortitude.

  5. jason330 says:

    That old chestnut? Well, I guess I should be happy that you didn’t follow your Rush Limbaugh programming and go onto to lament the “Obama Recession.”

  6. RSmitty says:

    Well, I guess I should be happy that you didn’t follow your Rush Limbaugh programming and go onto to lament the “Obama Recession.”

    Ungh. While technically media, I prefer not to call any openly-partisan pundit “media.” To use them when referring to the political barometer of the general media is not a fair comparison. Maddow v Fatbaugh, Olbermann v Shamnity, etc. They thrive only off of their partisan supporters and the occasional crank that opposes them. Objective reporting wouldn’t fit their format.

    If partisan punditry were to suddenly disappear from the landscape of the TV tubes and radio waves, I honestly can’t say that I’d miss any of them.